Tag Archives: heritage
Comhrá le Cat Posted by róislín on Jun 21, 2017

(le Róislín) Since so many of you seemed to enjoy the recent piscín gleoite (cute kitten) post (nasc thíos), I figured I’d extend the topic with an conversation with a cat. Many of the questions could easily be transformed into dialogues between people about cats, since, mostly, we assume cats don’t really talk, even if…
How to Say ‘Multilingual Madness’ in Irish (Cuid 2/2) Posted by róislín on Apr 6, 2014
(le Róislín) In the last blog, we looked at the word “multilingual” in Irish and discussed “ilteangach” and “ilbhéarlach” as the choices. Both use the prefix “il-” (“many;” also found in words like “ilghuthach” and “ilstórach“). “Teangach,” as the core of the word “ilteangach,” is, of course, from “teanga” (tongue), and “-bhéarlach” (lenited after…
An Dara Grúpa d’Fhocail: Curiosity, Passion, Interest, Heritage, Family (i nGaeilge) Posted by róislín on Sep 28, 2013
(le Róislín) In the previous blog we looked at the Irish for the five most prominent terms in this speech balloon. Seo iad: Eolas, Grá, Cultúr, Spraoi, Cairde. An cuimhin leat an Béarla atá orthu? The translations back into English are below (má tá cuidiú de dhíth ort). Anois, an chéad ghrúpa eile d’fhocail. But wait…
Bás Michael Jackson (1958-2009) Posted by róislín on Jul 13, 2009
Bhuel, tar éis a bheith ag smaoineamh faoi, after pondering the matter, I figured I may as well join the sluaite (hordes) ag scríobh faoi Michael Jackson. First stop, as usual, what else has been written about his death, as Gaeilge? Can’t say I found mórán (much). A cuardach Google limited to “Bás Michael…
Being a Gael-Mheiriceánach, Gael-Cheanadach, or Gael-Astrálach, or Any Other Nationality “as Gaeilge” Posted by róislín on May 31, 2009
We recently discussed the various ways to use the word “Gael-Mheiriceánach” to say something is “Irish-American” or “I am an Irish-American.” Let’s go global and discuss some more possibilities. If you’re one of about 4.5 million Canadians with Irish ancestry, you could say, “Is Gael-Cheanadach mé.” If you’re one of almost 2 million Irish-Australians…
Logainmneacha Ceilteacha agus Náisiúntachtaí a Cúig: Celtic Place Names and Nationalities 5 – Brittany (Breizh / Bretagne) and the Bretons Posted by róislín on May 19, 2009
We’ve recently discussed the place names Albain, Éire, An Bhreatain Bheag, and Oileán Mhanann. Today we’ll turn to Brittany. Below you’ll find some examples of how to use the place name and how to indicate that a person or thing is Breton. One of France’s 22 régions, Brittany is called “An Bhriotáin” in Irish. …