Tag Archives: hurlár
Orduimhreacha agus na hUrláir i bhFoirgnimh (Ordinal Numbers and the Floors in Buildings) Posted by róislín on Aug 23, 2017

(le Róislín; d.a.s. tiocfaidh cuid 2 de “Vocabulary Round-up from ‘More Irish Numbers Practice: Orduimhreacha i dTeidil Scannán’” roimh i bhfad ) Cuir i gcás gur turasóir Meiriceánach in Éirinn thú. Tá tú i dteach lóistín, ag clárú agus ag fáil eochair do sheomra. Deir bean an tí go bhfuil do sheomra ar an gcéad…
More Irish Numbers Practice: Orduimhreacha i dTeidil Scannán — Aistrithe go Gaeilge Posted by róislín on Aug 16, 2017

(le Róislín) Since we’ve been on an “orduimhreacha” roll recently (nasc thíos), I thought it would be fun to try some more examples, this time embedded in Irish versions of famous (or not-so-famous) film titles. So I’ll provide the Irish phrase for context, and see if you can fill in the blank, using the ordinal…