Tag Archives: Inide
Vocabulary Round-up for Féilte agus Feiseanna agus Laethe Speisialta na Feabhra: Fill in the Blanks Posted by róislín on Feb 5, 2018

(le Róislín) Here are some of the vocabulary words to accompany the most recent blog (nasc thíos) and some practice for each one. Watch out for all the small changes that happen in Irish: initial consonant mutation, genitive case endings, plural endings, etc. Remember that a lot of these phrases have the word “of” in…
Feabhra na bhFéilte ‘s na bhFeiseanna (February Holidays and Festivals) Posted by róislín on Jan 31, 2013
(le Róislín) These days we can find a special day to celebrate practically every item, product, or concept imaginable, from cheese-rolling (at Cooper’s Hill, England), wife-carrying (originally Finland, now international, including Newry, Maine, and locations in Wisconsin and Michigan), the Idiotarod [sic!] (various locations), and “Punch Your Neighbor Day” in Bolivia. But for a mí…
Féilte agus Laethanta Saoire agus Ócáidí Speisialta i Mí Feabhra Posted by róislín on Feb 11, 2012
(le Róislín) For a relatively short month, February is sure packed full of holidays. Here are some dates and some themes. Can you match them up? Since writing the dates in the standard “orduimhir” form would lessen the “dúshlán,” I’ve written them out in full and the key to the numbers is given below, with…