Tag Archives: Inuktituk
Féilte agus Feiseanna agus Laethe Speisialta i mí Feabhra: Fill in the Blanks Posted by róislín on Jan 31, 2018

(le Róislín) How many holidays or festivals or special event days can you name for February? And how many can you name in Irish? Today’s blogpost offers a list of dates (liosta dátaí) for February with columns for the names of the event or holiday in English and space to write the Irish name. The…
Abair ‘I Love You’ i nDeich dTeanga (and Irish as the 11th) Posted by róislín on Feb 11, 2015
(le Róislín) ‘Tis the season to speak of “amour,” and the more ways, plus on rit, n’est-ce pas? So let’s briefly review the most traditional Irish phrase for “I love you,” and then we’ll look at the same phrase in 10 other languages. So how much more Irish will you learn from that? Well, the matching…