Tag Archives: madra rua
An Lorg sa Sneachta (The Track in the Snow): Snow Angels and More in Irish Posted by róislín on Nov 30, 2017

(le Róislín) This may be the time of year when adults (daoine fásta) and children (páistí) alike enjoy making snow angels (aingil shneachta). I haven’t found the term “aingeal sneachta” in an Irish dictionary so far, but it seems to be quite a straightforward combination. And I did find one (just one!) hit for the…
When to Say ‘Pádraig,’ When to Say ‘Phádraig,’ and When to say ‘Saxifraga spathularis’ Posted by róislín on Mar 11, 2014
(le Róislín) With Lá Fhéile Pádraig just around the corner, let’s take a closer look at the name “Pádraig” itself. It has two main forms, “Pádraig” being the basic form, and “Phádraig,” used in certain types of phrases. Less frequently, we may also encounter “bPádraig.” Of course, there are also nicknames, like Páidín, Páid, Padhra…
Seamus Heaney and the Irish Language (Cuid a Dó as Trí) Posted by róislín on Sep 19, 2013
(le Róislín) In the last blog we looked at the Irish titles of two of Heaney’s poems, “Aisling” (Dream/Vision) and “Maighdean Mara” (Mermaid/Sea-maiden). This time we’ll look at a poem which is inspired by some Irish Gaelic words but which doesn’t actually include them in the text. So, by reading this blog, you’ll not only…
Ainmhithe Eile (ón Iolra go dtí an tUatha, from Plural to Singular) Posted by róislín on Sep 12, 2012
(le Róislín) In the last blog, we created a chart with the names of various types of ceathairchosaigh chrúbacha (ungulate quadrupeds), going from the plural form to the singular form. Why an t-iolra go dtí an t-uatha? Just for a change of pace, is dócha. So often we see an fhoirm uatha first, and then…