Tag Archives: meidhreach
How to Say ‘Be Happy’ in Irish and 20 Ways to Say ‘Happy’ Itself: ‘Ádhúil’ to “Toilteanach’ with an Emphasis on “Sona” Posted by róislín on Feb 10, 2018

(le Róislín) We’ve recently had a request for the phrase “Be happy!” for a tattoo. So seo dhuit, na frásaí is coitianta (mo thuairimse, ar a laghad) le “Be happy” a rá agus ansin súil siar ar dhóigheanna eile le “happy” a rá i nGaeilge. So, here you are, the most common phrases (my opinion…
More Month-of-May Motifs (i nGaeilge, ar ndóigh) Posted by róislín on Apr 27, 2014
(le Róislín) Is it the “merry month” of May or the “merry, merry month” of May? Is it “meidhreach” or “sona,” “croíúil” or “súgach? Or is it as in the traditional Irish phrase, “buí” (Mí Bhuí na Bealtaine)? We looked at all of those terms in the last blog (nasc thíos) but here’s a quick…
Merry, Month, May, and How to Say It All in Irish Posted by róislín on Apr 24, 2014
(le Róislín) As we approach Lá Bealtaine and mí na Bealtaine, it seems a good time to break apart the time-worn phrase “merry, merry month of May,” and see how these words appear in Irish. So we’ve got at least four words for “merry” plus a curious use of “buí,” one basic word for “month”…
“Holly,” “Jolly,” “Merry,” agus “Berry” – An nDéanann Siad Rím le Chéile i nGaeilge? Posted by róislín on Nov 30, 2011
(le Róislín) Well, the answer is no, ní dhéanann siad rím le chéile i nGaeilge. “Athdhúbaltaigh ríme” [pronunciation below] normally don’t when you translate their component parts from language to language. For example, to attempt to translate a popular English rhyming reduplicative, “easy breezy,” in Irish you could choose from the following: easy: éasca, furasta…
Happy vs. Merry and All That! (Sona, Meidhreach, srl.) Posted by róislín on Dec 12, 2010
(le Róislín) ‘S é an séasúr é! ‘Tis the season! So let’s do a little holiday terminology. Some of these phrases are quite well known but all are interesting when looked at from a translator’s perspective. Nollaig Shona! or to be more specific “Nollaig Shona dhuit!” (to one person) or “Nollaig Shona dhaoibh! (plural). Or…