Tag Archives: Meiriceánach
Three ways to spell ‘August’ in Irish: historic, dated, and modern (Lúnasa et al.) Posted by róislín on Jul 31, 2018

(le Róislín) As you can see from the graphic above, there are three different ways to spell “August” in Irish: the modern way: Lúnasa a dated way, mostly found before 1960-ish: Lughnasa a historic way, going back to the Middle Ages: Lughnasadh. Even that is somewhat of an adaptation, as it originally would have been…
Cén stíl agus cén chuma? (What style and what appearance?) Posted by róislín on Feb 28, 2014
(le Róislín) B’fhéidir gurb í seo ceann de na fuinneoga is clúití i stair ealaíne. An aithníonn tú í? Bhí sí sa phictiúr a bhí sa bhlag is déanaí (https://blogs.transparent.com/irish/cad-a-dheanfaidh-tu-ar-an-deireadh-seachtaine-seo-what-are-you-doing-this-wee/). Cén stíl í? Perhaps this is one of the most famous windows in the history of art. Do you recognize it? It was in the…
Cad a dhéanfaidh tú ar an deireadh seachtaine seo? (What are you doing this weekend?) Posted by róislín on Feb 25, 2014
(le Róislín) A couple of months ago we posed this question on the Transparent Language Irish Blog: Cad a dhéanfaidh tú ar an deireadh seachtaine seo? (What are you doing this weekend?) https://www.facebook.com/learn.irish/posts/10152034063644295?stream_ref=10 Let’s look at some possible answers. How many can you translate? 1. Rachaidh mé ag siopadóireacht. [… egg SHOP-uh-dohrzh-ukht] 2. Rachaidh mé…
Cats Galore in Irish (Cait, Caitíní, Piscíní, Pisíní, srl.) Posted by róislín on Dec 4, 2013
(le Róislín) I suppose I should have saved this blog for National Cat Day (29 Deireadh Fómhair 2014; naisc thíos) but coming swift on the heels of the recent “caitín gleoite caillte sa spás amuigh” blog (thanks to Miley Cyrus’s recent CGI imagery), I couldn’t resist taking the plunge. So how many different ways are…
Ag Comhaireamh Daoine ar an Liosta Seo: Cé Mhéad Éireannach, srl.? Posted by róislín on Jan 26, 2011
(le Róislín) Recently we’ve been counting a lot of people in this blog, ranging from cailíní bleánaí to clamhsánaithe. We’ve also had “Svahaíleach amháin, beirt Svahaíleach, triúr Svahaíleach, srl.” as an example of a term for which there is no lenition, due the initial consonant cluster (sv-). So I was thinking we could get into…
Lá na Brataí (Flag Day) i Meiriceá Posted by róislín on Jun 14, 2010
(le Róislín) Ceiliúrtar Lá na Brataí i Meiriceá ar an 14ú lá de mhí an Mheithimh. Cad a dhéantar? Paráidí in áiteanna (is fiú le rá Quincy, MA., Traoi (Troy), NY, agus Fairfield, WA), searmanais, canadh an amhráin náisiúnta, agus na bratacha iad féin curtha ar foluain. The Irish word for flag is “bratach.” In…
Deir seachtar (7) i nGaeilge gur “Gael-Mheiriceánaigh” iad ach deir 2805, “I’m (an) Irish-American,” de réir cuardach Google Posted by róislín on May 28, 2009
(le Róislín) “Deir seachtar (7) i nGaeilge gur ‘Gael-Mheiriceánaigh’ iad ach deir 2805, ‘I’m (an) Irish-American,’ de réir cuardach Google.” Well, that blog title should be an attention-getter! Not that Google searches are “bun agus barr an scéil” (the be-all and end-all) of information gathering, but this search result does provide food for thought. This article…