Tag Archives: miodóg
Irish Words ending with ‘-íceach’ and sometimes ‘-ícigh’ or ‘-ící’ – dosaen fada díobh Posted by róislín on Aug 29, 2018

(le Róislín) From “-icí” [IK-ee] to “-ící” [EEK-ee]! In the last blogpost (nasc thíos) we looked at some Irish words ending in “-icí,” either in their basic structure, like “dicí” or “soinicí” or in an inflected form, like “picnicí,” “gúsnaicí,” or “ceimicí.” Today we’ll look at a few Irish words ending in “-íceach,” which in…
An Ghaeilge agus an Iodáilis: ‘Àbaco’ go ‘Zombi’ i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Apr 16, 2014
(le Róislín) Bhí an bua ag an Iodáilis sa chomórtas ‘Buile Ilteangach’ (Multilingual Madness)! Comhghairdeas di agus dá foghlaimeoirí agus dá cainteoirí. So we’ll tip our ‘hataí’ here to ‘lucht na hIodáilise’ with a few Irish words related to ‘an Iodáil’ and ‘an teanga Iodáilise.’ Ar dtús, tíreolaíocht (geography) an Iodáil, (the) Italy. Note that…