Tag Archives: pearóid
An bhfuil peata agat? Talking about Pets in Irish: Pearóidí (parrots) Posted by róislín on Jul 21, 2017

(le Róislín) Continuing with our “téama” of “peataí” (naisc thíos), how about “pearóidí“? Does anyone here have a parrot “mar pheata“? Má tá, an bhfuil Gaeilge ag an bpearóid? ‘S é sin a rá, an labhraíonn an phearóid, agus má labhraíonn, an labhraíonn an phearóid Gaeilge? Bhuel, before we look for “freagraí” to that, did…
Blianta Go Leor — Years Galore, Except the Donkey’s! Posted by róislín on Jun 29, 2009
(le Róislín) You may have noticed Transparent’s recent Word of the Day, bliain (year) or an bhliain (the year). Care to guess how many forms of this word are in common use? Well, there’s the lenited form (an bhliain), the special form used after the numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6 (bliana), the eclipsed “special”…