Tag Archives: peel
Puzal Fuascailte agus Litreacha Doiléire Doléite Léite: A Puzzle Solved and Fuzzy Unreadable Letters Read, Plus Some Irish Cooking Vocabulary Posted by róislín on Dec 22, 2017

(le Róislín) First, let me say that as far as cooking vocabulary goes, this blogpost is very specific to discussing “craiceann criostalaithe,” so general cooking vocabulary (like “bruith,” meaning “cook,” “bake,” “boil,” and “grill”) will have to wait for another blogpost. If that’s a topic you’d like to see discussed further, please do write in…
Bia le Beoir (Aguisín): One More Irish Phrase for a Beer-friendly Snack Food, Cuid / Part 1 Posted by róislín on Mar 23, 2017

(le Róislín) Well, it may not have quite the linguistic sizzle as the phrase “pork scratchings” (US equivalent “cracklins” or “cracklings”), aka “fried pork rinds,” but here’s the Irish for the bia sneaice in the picture above, quite straightforwardly: craiceann muiceola friochta (skin + of pork + fried). [Agus seo aguisín don aguisín seo: no sooner…