Tag Archives: peil
Cúig phictiúr d’imeachtaí an tséasúir: Irish words for some festivals and events from late January through mid February Posted by róislín on Jan 27, 2017

(le Róislín) This time of year seems to be jam-packed with holidays and special events, be they religious, calendrical, or pop/folk cultural. So we have five pictures (cúig phictiúr) in the graphic above and there are five descriptions (cúig chur síos) to match them up with. NB: In case anyone thinks I put them in…
Cineálacha Eile Peile Posted by róislín on Jul 15, 2014
(le Róislín) We recently covered some soccer terms (téarmaí sacair) in this blog and briefly discussed the term “sacar” used in Irish, as opposed to “peil,” which is usually used for “peil ghaelach.” Even though “peil” usually means the football itself, or the game of football, it can also be used to create the names…
Sacar / Peil (Soccer / Football) : A “Matching” Game of Terminology in Irish Posted by róislín on Jul 9, 2014
(le Róislín) This blog will present 10 soccer (football) terms in English and Irish. Can you match them up? Note also that there is one extra Irish term, just for the challenge (“dúshlán” [doo-hlawn] note the silent “s”). Some of the Irish terms can also be used outside of soccer/football discussions, as can some of…
Cupán nó Corn? (when speaking of “The World”) Posted by róislín on Jun 18, 2014
(le Róislín) Corn an Domhain. The World Cup. A good reminder never to assume that the closest basic Irish equivalent is the one you want for a translation. In Irish, “cupán” is used for a cup to drink from, and can give us phrases like: cupán tae cupán caife cupán cócó A little less applicable…
An Spórt Oilimpeach Is Fearr Leat? Buanna Do Thírese? Posted by róislín on Aug 1, 2012
(le Róislín) An maith leat a bheith ag breathnú ar na Cluichí Oilimpeacha? (Do you like watching the Olympics?, lit. Do you like to be watching the Olympic Games?) Seo cúpla freagra: Is maith [iss mah], yes Ní maith [nee mah], no You could even wax a little more eloquent and say: Is breá liom…
Féilte agus Laethanta Saoire agus Ócáidí Speisialta i Mí Feabhra: Trí Phictiúirí Posted by róislín on Feb 14, 2012
(le Róislín) Now that we’ve recently seen how many holidays and special events occur i mí Feabhra, how about labeling some images connected to them? Seo ocht bpictiúr leis na téamaí a raibh muid ag caint fúthu sa bhlag deireanach (https://blogs.transparent.com/irish/feilte-agus-laethanta-saoire-agus-ocaidi-speisialta-i-mi-feabhra/). An cuimhin leat an Ghaeilge ar an rud atá sa phictiúr agus/nó an lá…