Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Rainbow Bridge

Fáilte na Madraí Roimh Lennox, Cuid 3 (The Dogs’ Welcome to Lennox, Pt. 3): Aistriúchán go Béarla (i gcodanna, 3/3) Posted by on Jul 25, 2012

(le Róislín) Here, faoi dheireadh, is the last cuid (installment) of the translation of the dogs’ dialogue, welcoming Lennox bocht to Droichead an Tuar Ceatha.  The original version, as you may have seen, was at  The translation is fairly literal but with some liberties taken for stíl and gluaiseacht insinte. This installment is the…

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Fáilte na Madraí Roimh Lennox – Cuid 2 (The Dogs’ Welcome to Lennox, Pt. 2): Aistriúchán go Béarla (i gcodanna, cuid 2/3) Posted by on Jul 21, 2012

(le Róislín)  Seo an dara cuid den dialóg idir na madraí, tar éis bhás Lennox (2005-12).  Tá Bran agus Sceolaing (madraí Fhionn Mhic Chumhail), Gelert (madra Llywelyn Fawr), Maida (madra an Uasail Walter Scott) agus Lennox sa chluain in aice le Droichead an Tuar Ceatha.  Níl Bran agus Sceolaing sa chuid seo den dialóg; tá…

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Fáilte na Madraí Roimh Lennox (The Dogs’ Welcome to Lennox): Aistriúchán go Béarla (i gcodanna, cuid 1/3) Posted by on Jul 18, 2012

(le Róislín) As we come to the end of ár dtuairisciú of saga brónach Lennox, an madra ó Bhéal Feirste, this blog will include a couple of installments with a side-by-side English translation of the dogs’ dialogue.  The full original is at Even though the comhrá itself is, ar ndóigh, imaginary, I’ve tried to make…

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Páirtghluais don Bhlag: Fáilte na Madraí roimh Lennox (2005-2012, RIP) Posted by on Jul 15, 2012

(le Róislín) Here’s a little further background on some of the words used in “Fáilte na Madraí roimh Lennox” ( A full gluais and/or aistriúchán may be “ar an bhfeadh mhór” (in the offing). We’ll start with a key term in the blog, Droichead an Tuar Ceatha, which will actually give us three main words…

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Fáilte na Madraí Roimh Lennox (The Dogs’ Welcome to Lennox) Posted by on Jul 12, 2012

(le Róislín) As promised, here is my imagined dialogue in memory of Lennox (2005-2012, RIP) with some new canine companions, just after he has arrived at Droichead an Tuar Ceatha (The Bridge of the Rainbow / The Rainbow Bridge).  Please note that there has been very little time between Lennox’s execution and the writing of this blog…

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