Tag Archives: Samhna
The Irish for Halloween and for November: Using Samhain, Samhna, Shamhna, srl. Posted by róislín on Oct 31, 2018

(le Róislín) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samhain#/media/File:Snap-Apple_Night_globalphilosophy.PNG, Snap-Apple Night (1833), On the Festival of Hallow Eve, public domain, by Daniel Maclise, RA (25 Jan 1806, Cork–25 Apr 1870, Chelsea), inspired by a party he attended in Blarney, in 1832. Includes divination games with melted lead and roasted nuts. Lipéad Gaeilge le Róislín, 2018. Our Halloween topics in this blog series have…
Glasra Oíche Shamhna (a Halloween vegetable), but what’s it called in Irish? Posted by róislín on Oct 24, 2017

(le Róislín) Cén glasra é sin sa phictiúr? What vegetable is that in the picture? To answer the questions in the graphic above: An cairéad é? Ní hea, ní __________ é. An práta é? Ní hea, ní __________ é. An biatas é? Ní hea, ní __________ é. An svaeid é? Ní hea, ní __________…
To Be or To Wear: Which Irish Verb for Halloween Costumes (agus éadaí go ginearálta) Posted by róislín on Oct 22, 2016
(le Róislín) The Irish language offers two main verbs for saying you are wearing an item of clothing. One is the verb “to be,” combined with the word “on,” essentially saying “A hat is on me,” for “I am wearing a hat.” The second is the verb “caith,” which can literally mean “wear,” but which…
Arbhar Candaí agus Cúpla Cainíneach Cúláilte Gléasta i gcomhair Oíche Shamhna Posted by róislín on Oct 17, 2016
(le Róislín) According to the National Retail Federation (nasc thíos), this year’s most popular pet costume for Halloween is a pumpkin (puimcín). But the two dogs in this picture are sporting a different edible Halloween theme, arbhar candaí. As far as I know, arbhar candaí is only sold i Meiriceá Thuaidh. If anyone is aware…
Téarmaí Oíche Shamhna: Cineálacha Cultacha (Halloween Terms: ‘Kinds of Costumes’ in Irish) Posted by róislín on Oct 6, 2016
(le Róislín) By early October, the maisiúcháin and cultacha are already in full force sna siopaí. Céard atá pleanáilte agatsa faoi choinne Oíche Shamhna? We’ve talked about cultacha (costumes) previously in this blog, but this would be a good time to review some of the traditional ones. And to find out if you’ve got any…
Cé mhéad zombaí? – A ‘quiz’ for ‘Oíche Shamhna’ (Halloween) Posted by róislín on Oct 25, 2014
(le Róislín) You might remember a previous blog (Ag Comhaireamh Daoine i gCultacha Oíche Shamhna (Vaimpírí, Gúil, srl.) that gave the Irish for many typical Halloween costumes. In that blog, we also used the “uimhreacha pearsanta” to count how many ghouls and zombies we were talking about. In this blog, we’ll recap those costume terms…
New Year’s – Celtic Style (1 Mí na Samhna in ionad 1 Eanáir) Posted by róislín on Oct 31, 2012
(le Róislín) While January 1 is widely considered to be “New Year’s Day” in many parts of the world, including Ireland, there is/was a Celtic concept of the New Year that placed the holiday much earlier in the winter season, specifically on November 1. I say “is/was” quite deliberately. Considering “an t-aonú lá de mhí…