Tag Archives: slender
A Short Glossary for the Irish Rap Song “C.E.A.R.T.A” by Kneecap (Rapcheol Gaeilge) [Cuid/Pt. 6/6] Posted by róislín on Jan 26, 2018

(le Róislín) Faoi dheireadh, an séú (6ú) cuid den ghluais don rapamhrán “C.E.A.R.T.A.” leis an ngrúpa Kneecap (naisc thíos: lyrics, YouTube video and previous installments in this mini-series). And here I thought glossing this song would just take a couple of posts, at most. But here, finally, are a few more words from the…
Five More Irish Names for Boys – Seán, Séamas, Seosamh, Liam, Mícheál, Pt. 3: Liam, Mícheál Posted by róislín on Apr 14, 2016
(le Róislín) Continuing our coverage of Irish personal names, this blogpost will look at “Liam” and “Mícheál.” Bhí na hainmneacha “Seán” agus “Séamas” agus “Seosamh” sna blagmhíreanna roimhe seo. The good news for the name “Liam” is that there are no spelling changes with this word (i.e. no inserted “h’s” or “i’s”). So the forms…
Irish language glossary for ‘Comhrá idir an dá iora ghlasa’ (Diarmaid agus Dearbháil) Posted by róislín on Oct 15, 2015
(le Róislín) You may have recently read the dialóg bheag I wrote for practicing the slender “dh” sound (as in “a Dhiarmaid,” “a Dhearbháil,” “trí dhearcán,” “ar dheis,” srl.). In that post, I explained the names I created for the baby squirrels (Dealrúilín, Deannóidín, Deidimín, Dreochlóigín, Drithleóigín), but I didn’t have space to do additional…
10 Ways to Describe “Seamróga” (Shamrocks) in Irish Posted by róislín on Mar 8, 2014
(le Róislín) As we approach Lá Fhéile Pádraig (aka “Lá ‘le Pádraig” and “St. Patrick’s Day”), our thoughts naturally turn to “seamróga” (shamrocks). How many ways can we think of to describe them? We’ll try for at least ten in this blog. Maybe some readers will have some more suggestions. A key thing to remember…
Cóisir Chinn Bhliana — Cad a Bheadh Ann? (re: New Year’s Eve parties) Posted by róislín on Dec 29, 2013
(le Róislín) Seo séasúr na gcóisirí agus ‘chuile sheans go mbeidh tú ag freastal ar Chóisir Chinn Bhliana. So first let’s take a look at the Irish for some of the typical trappings of New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day party. Hitch is, we’ve got eleven items in the list below, but only ten…
How To Say Irish Words Like ‘Aghaidh,’ ‘Bhratach,’ and ‘Shaoirse’ (Pronunciation Guide for the Red, White and Blue Blog) Posted by róislín on Jun 20, 2013
(le Róislín) The recurring chorus that I hear in Irish classes, year after year, is “How do you pronounce that?,” or as students get more advanced, and ask it in Irish “Cén chaoi a ndeir tú sin?” (How do you say that?). In theory, at least, people could be asking, “Cén chaoi a bhfuaimníonn tú…
How To Pronounce ‘A Dheaide,’ ‘A Dhaidí,’ and Other Forms of ‘Dad/Daddy’ in Irish Posted by róislín on Jun 6, 2013
(le Róislín) Since June is mí Lá na nAithreacha, let’s look once more at the various words for “Dad” and “Daddy” in Irish, specifically in direct address. So we’ll take a brief break from the Irish names we were working on in the last blog (Seán, Sinéad, srl.) and their direct address forms (“Dia duit…