Tag Archives: slim
Cé chomh fada is atá an tsrón? (How long is the nose?) Posted by róislín on Jun 30, 2017

(le Róislín) Last time, we looked the various forms of the word “srón” (nose) in Irish, including “sróine,” “sróna,” and “tsrón.” We also mentioned several types of noses, to be discussed in this and/or future blogs (the once and future blog?). Today, we’ll start with the two types of noses shown in the graphic…
Clever, “Cute,” Smart, Intelligent, Wise, and/or Cunning – as Gaeilge! Posted by róislín on Apr 6, 2009
(le Róislín) We’ve recently discussed fools in general in the April 1st and 3rd blogs. We’ve differentiated amadáin from óinseacha and worked gámaithe, gamail, gamalóga, agus gamaraill into the mix. Now lets segue to “wise fools” and then to various terms for being clever, “cute,” smart, intelligent, wise and/or cunning. Wise fools, first. …