Tag Archives: surname
How To Say ‘Doctor’ in Irish (plus ‘physician,’ ‘healer,’ etc.) Posted by róislín on Sep 17, 2018

(le Róislín) Doctor … healer … physician? What’s the difference in Irish? And are some of the terms overlapping? Basics first. Certainly the word most people learn first for “doctor” in Irish is “dochtúir,” and here are its basic forms: 1.. An dochtúir, the doctor, the physician Mála an dochtúra, the bag of the doctor/physician…
‘I am not an ‘uimhir’ ‘ and Other Indefinite Predicate Nominatives — Let’s Say Them in Irish Posted by róislín on Jan 23, 2015
(le Róislín) Whenever I see or hear the phrase “Doctor Who,” I always end up thinking of the typical Irish question, “An dochtúir thú?” (Are you a doctor?). Remember, the “t” of “thú” is silent, so “thú” sounds like “who.” I’ve actually tried putting together questions in Irish that would have the phrase “Doctor Who…
Vocabulary and Pronunciation Guide for the Recent Blog: Cé mhéad “Shades of Gray” (Grey … Liath … Léith … de Grae, srl.)? Posted by róislín on Jul 25, 2014
(le Róislín) In the last blog, we zoomed (zúmáil muid!) through a fair amount of vocabulary to take some steps towards translating the general phrase “shades of gray” and the title of the recent book and upcoming movie, Fifty Shades of Grey. So this blog will take a closer look at some of those words…
Cé mhéad “Shades of Gray” (Grey … Liath … Léith … de Grae, srl.)? Posted by róislín on Jul 22, 2014
(le Róislín) I was recently reminded of a rather infamous episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, entitled “Shades of Gray.” B’fhéidir gur cuimhin leat é. That got me thinking of other uses of the phrase, “Shades of Gray (Grey),” even aside from the current tie-in by E. L. James. I’ve been pondering how to…
Cé Mhéad Patraisc? Cé Mhéad Drumadóir? (or ’12 Lá na Nollag’ Redux and an Irish Counting Lesson to boot) Posted by róislín on Dec 18, 2013
(le Róislín) In the last blog, we discussed “fearáin” (aka “fearáin bhreaca“) amongst other members of the order Columbiformes (coilm agus colúir, doves and pigeons, etc.). And we briefly alluded to the fact that the Irish for “turtledove” doesn’t have the element “turtle” (turtar) or “dove” (colm, or sometimes “colúir” — for more on the…
Más É “Coffey” Do Shloinne … Posted by róislín on Jun 15, 2012
(le Róislín) Our most recent blog looked in some depth at the surname Ó Cuil(l)ean(n)áin, including its meaning, its various spellings, and its role in creating place names or landmark buildings. While there are thousands of such sloinnte suimiúla in Irish, which could create blogs topics from now till Lá Thaidhg na dTadhgann (Cén lá? …
“An Fada Leat Uait Í, Uait Í?” Iníon Uí Chuileannáin agus a Cohórt Posted by róislín on Jun 11, 2012
(le Róislín) Before wrapping up our discussion of the Cullinans of diamond fame, it might be interesting to look at the name itself. Not only does it have several spellings in Irish, but it also has several anglicizations. And some noteworthy bearers of the name, in real life and in song. The main variations in…