Tag Archives: trucail
Trucail Chrochta agus Trucailí Crochta: Another ‘Truck’ Term in Irish Posted by róislín on May 31, 2017

(le Róislín) Bhuel, I thought I was finished with dump trucks and the like when I came across one more related term in Irish, with a very interesting structure to boot — trucail chrochta, a tip-truck, which apparently is an Australian English word for a tipper or tipper lorry. A Astrálacha ar an liosta seo…
Athleanúint don Athleanúint: Lóistíocht agus Córais Iompair (Cuid/Part 2) Posted by róislín on May 27, 2017

(le Róislín) Bhuel, last time we looked at various methods of transportation used in lóistíocht shlabhra an tsoláthair, as well as in “córais iompair go ginearálta.” That post covered longa, traenacha, dróin, and started with leoraithe. Today we’ll continue with “trucailí” and “truiclíní,” and look at when “lorry” or “truck” is used in English . …
Athleanúint don Athleanúint: Lóistíocht (Cuid/Part 1) Posted by róislín on May 24, 2017

(le Róislín) One good glossary (gluais) deserves another, I suppose one might say. The last blogpost was a vocabulary round-up for the post before that, which had managed to jump from discussing chips/French fries to logistics (naisc thíos). Today we’ll continue with a follow-up to the follow-up (athleanúint don athleanúint) with further discussion of some…