Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: uachtar

Uachtarán: The Irish Word for “President” (uachtar, “upper portion, cream” + -án, a suffix) Posted by on Oct 28, 2012

(le Róislín) I guess that “teideal an bhlag seo” pretty much explains the Irish word for president, “uachtarán” [OO-ukh-tar-awn].  “Uachtar” [OO-ukh-tar] actually means “upper portion,” widely used today to mean “cream” (as in “uachtar reoite,” ice-cream).  That is, of course a throwback to the days before homaiginiú, when the cream rose to the top of…

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Maidir le hAsail (agus Láracha agus Miúileanna) agus Díochlaontaí Posted by on Aug 31, 2012

(le Róislín) Before we proceed further with such topics as tearmainn asal and seitreach (an fhuaim a dhéanann capaill), let’s take a look at a few more basic vocabulary words for ceathairchosaigh eachaí.  And, to really revisit an ábhar from the past, let’s pick one from each declension.  Remember the díochlaontaí (categories of nouns), from 1st to 5th?   Our equine terms just happen to fill…

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Mí Iúil: Mí Náisiúnta … (ainmnigh thusa é) Posted by on Jul 20, 2010

(le Róislín) Before continuing with specific holidays celebrated on specific days in July, let’s look at three subjects that are celebrated all month long, at least i Meiriceá: Brocairí Teo Uachtar Reoite Frithleadrán All are interesting to ponder as causes of celebration and all are interesting as far as vocabulary goes.  As far as I…

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Nótaí Fuaimnithe (Pronunciation Notes) don Bhlag Deireanach, or, Not Your Abuela’s “ua” Vowel Sound Posted by on Feb 23, 2010

(le Róislín) A few notes on pronunciation for the last blog, which was called “Thuas Seal, Thíos Seal, or Ice-cream and Underlings.”  Pronunciation notes always seem to be welcome!   The “ua” sound, which we saw consistently in that whole “slua” (angl. slew) of related words is basically “oo-uh.”  That’s “oo” as in (American) English…

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