Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: :Urú

Puimcín Amháin, Dhá Phuimcín, Trí Phuimcín, Ollphuimcín … Puimcíní Go Leor (One Pumpkin … Pumpkins Galore, and the Great Pumpkin too) Posted by on Oct 18, 2012

(le Róislín) More counting practice, this time, le bheith tráthúil, le puimcíní.  First a quick review of the basic set-up for counting objects in Irish: the word for “one” follows the noun, other numbers come before the noun, two through six cause lenition (here, “p” becoming “ph”), and seven through ten cause eclipsis (here, “p”…

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Pronunciation Follow-up to the “Cúig Fhocal gan Mhaith” Series Posted by on Jan 17, 2012

(le Róislín) The last few blogs have dealt pretty intensely with meaning and slight differences among comhainmneacha (synonyms).  Here we’ll look at a much more down-to-earth aspect of some of the same words – how to say them.  We’ll look at a few of the longer and more complex ones (tláithíneacht, neamhghontacht, m. sh.) but…

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Ag Comhaireamh Turcaithe (Counting Turkeys, in Irish) Posted by on Nov 3, 2011

(le Róislín) Last blog we looked at the phrases for counting pumpkins.  Counting anything in Irish is never just a matter of learning the words for the numbers (aon, dó, trí, or amháin, dhá, trí, etc.).  It also involves possible changes to the beginning of the word for the item you’re counting.  Remember, for “puimcín,”…

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Logainmneacha a Thosaíonn le Gutaí (a, e, i, o, u) agus “in” Posted by on Jul 19, 2011

(le Róislín) Our last blog dealt with places names like Ceanada and Cúba, which take “urú,” and additional place names like Meicsiceo or Sasana, which are not subject to “urú” because of the letters they happen to start with.  As you may recall, the “urú” examples work like this: Tá sé ina chónaí i gCeanada. …

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Logainmneacha Eile: Urú agus Ainmneacha gan “An” Posted by on Jul 15, 2011

(le Róislín) Here are some more possibilities for saying where you live, according to country, to follow up on the flurry of interest after the recent “ghost-town” blog (an blag faoin scáilbhaile).  This blog will just deal with ainmneacha tíortha that don’t include the definite article, like Ceanada, Meicsiceo, Sasana, Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá.  Irish, unlike…

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Na hUimhreacha Pearsanta i nGaeilge (Irish Personal Numbers and Cuid a Cúig or the Last Installment of Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag) Posted by on Jan 6, 2011

(le Róislín) Fotheideal (perhaps too long for the subject line): Ag comhaireamh na ndaoine san amhrán “Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag” Learning to use the numbers in Irish is often considered one of the more challenging aspects of the language.   Often you start out with the “maoluimhreacha” (independent numbers) such as “a haon, a dó…

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Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag (The Twelve Days of Christmas) Posted by on Dec 25, 2010

(le Róislín)  For the next few (six really) blogs, I thought I’d check out the gifts mentioned sa charúl Nollag, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  There are so many gifts, we’ll do two per blog and see if that ends up on the actual 12th day of Christmas. Be warned, there are at least four…

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