Tag Archives: w
Trucail Chrochta agus Trucailí Crochta: Another ‘Truck’ Term in Irish Posted by róislín on May 31, 2017

(le Róislín) Bhuel, I thought I was finished with dump trucks and the like when I came across one more related term in Irish, with a very interesting structure to boot — trucail chrochta, a tip-truck, which apparently is an Australian English word for a tipper or tipper lorry. A Astrálacha ar an liosta seo…
Irish Words Starting with ‘w’ (dornán beag ach dornán acu ann!) Posted by róislín on Sep 9, 2015
(le Róislín) Bhuel, let’s start by saying there aren’t many words in Irish that start with “w”, since like “v,” this letter was not traditional in the Irish alphabet. But times change, languages change, and there are now at least a few words to note. I’ll also mention in passing that a fair number of…