Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: white

How To Say Irish Words Like ‘Aghaidh,’ ‘Bhratach,’ and ‘Shaoirse’ (Pronunciation Guide for the Red, White and Blue Blog) Posted by on Jun 20, 2013

(le Róislín) The recurring chorus that I hear in Irish classes, year after year, is “How do you pronounce that?,” or as students get more advanced, and ask it in Irish “Cén chaoi a ndeir tú sin?” (How do you say that?).  In theory, at least, people could be asking, “Cén chaoi a bhfuaimníonn tú…

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An Dearg, An Bán, agus An Gorm (The Red, White, and Blue) Posted by on Jun 17, 2013

(le Róislín) The time has come to talk … of bratacha (flags).  In the United States, at this time of year, we segue from Lá Cuimhneacháin (Luan deireanach mhí na Bealtaine) to Lá na Brataí (14 Meitheamh) to Lá (na) Saoirse (4 Iúil).  All three offer up an abundance of sraoilleáin de ribíní (ribbon-streamers) and stiallbhratacha …

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Scannáin Nollag (Christmas Movies — na teidil i nGaeilge) Posted by on Dec 9, 2012

(le Róislín) Seo rogha de scannáin Nollag a bhfuil clú mór orthu.  Fad m’eolais níl leagan Gaeilge díobh ann so rinne mé an chéad chéim — na teidil a aistriú go Gaeilge.  An aithníonn tú iad?  Agus an féidir leat iad a mheaitseáil leis na teidil i mBéarla?  Mar chuidiú, tá gluais leis na freagraí. …

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Cóiriú Gruaige Tírghrách Venus Williams: Dearg, Bán, Gorm Posted by on Jul 30, 2012

(le Róislín) Here we just finished discussing “dearg, bán, agus gorm” for 4 (An Ceathrú Lá) Iúil (Lá na Saoirse i Meiriceá), when these three colors come swishing through the air again!  This time they aren’t attached to a crann brataí, but to ceann Véineas Nic Liam, or, as she’s usually known, Venus Williams, sna Cluichí…

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Saol an Mhadaidh Bháin — The (Good) Life of the White Dog Posted by on May 8, 2012

(le Róislín) Last blog we looked at the expression “ar muin (ar dhroim) na muice” (being “on the pig’s back,” i.e. well off).   The blog before that also referred to several other examples of figurative speech, including “madraí  bána.”  As with the ‘dromanna muc” (or “muiní muc”), that general reference to “madraí bána” was in…

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An Pionta Beo Posted by on May 21, 2011

(le Róislín) You might have been thinking it would be time to catch up on some of the other topics that have been hinted at during the course of the blog – the donkey sanctuaries (agus sibhse ag fanacht leis sin le fada, tá a fhios agam, a léitheoirí dílse), vigesimal counting (once traditional and…

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