Scannáin Nollag (Christmas Movies — na teidil i nGaeilge) Posted by róislín on Dec 9, 2012 in Irish Language
(le Róislín)

fleasc Nollag agus treoraí scannáin leis an uimhir 3 — dá mbeadh sé seo “beo,” chloisfeá “bíp” ag an “3”
Seo rogha de scannáin Nollag a bhfuil clú mór orthu. Fad m’eolais níl leagan Gaeilge díobh ann so rinne mé an chéad chéim — na teidil a aistriú go Gaeilge. An aithníonn tú iad? Agus an féidir leat iad a mheaitseáil leis na teidil i mBéarla? Mar chuidiú, tá gluais leis na freagraí.
As a quick reminder, here’s some basic Christmas terminology:
an Nollaig, (the) Christmas; it’s a feminine noun so adjectives following are lenited as in “Nollaig Shona!” (Merry / Happy Christmas)
na Nollag, of (the) Christmas
Nollag, of Christmas
Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise duit: Merry (Happy) Christmas and a Happy New Year to You! (singular) [say: NUL-ik HUN-uh AH-gus AH-VLEE-in fwee WISH-uh ditch]
Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise daoibh: Merry (Happy) Christmas and a Happy New Year to You! (plural, said to two or more people) [say: NUL-ik HUN-uh AH-gus AH-VLEE-in fwee WISH-uh deev]
Meaitseáil an teideal i nGaeilge leis an teideal i mBéarla (Match the Irish title with the English title; answers below)
An Teideal i nGaeilge | An Teideal i mBéarla | ||
1. | Sa Bhaile ina Aonar | a. | It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) |
2. | Nollaig Bhán | b. | The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) |
3. | Is Iontach an Saol É | c. | Miracle on 34th Street (1947) |
4. | An Nollaig i gConnecticut | d. | The Bishop’s Wife (1947) |
5. | Nollaig Shéarlas de Brún | e. | A Christmas Story (1983) |
6. | An Tromluí roimh an Nollaig | f. | A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) |
7. | Míorúilt ar Shráid Tríocha a Ceathair | g. | Home Alone (1990) |
8. | Bean an Easpaig | h. | The Polar Express (2004) |
9. | Scéal Nollag | i. | Christmas in Connecticut (1945) |
10. | Traein Luais an Phoil Thuaidh | j. | White Christmas (1954) |
Ar bhain tú sult as? Tá súil agam gur bhain! SGF, Róislín
1g. Home Alone (Macaulay Culkin mar “Chaoimhín Mac Alastair”); baile: town, home; aonar, alone, one person, lone person
2j. White Christmas (Bing Crosby); bán, white, lenited to become “bhán” [wawn OR vawn] because “Nollaig” is feminine
3a. It’s a Wonderful Life (James Stewart); iontach, wonderful; saol, life, world
4i. Christmas in Connecticut (Barbara Stanwyck); i gConnecticut: the “C” of “Connecticut” is eclipsed to become “gC” because it follows the word for “in” [say: ih gun-ET-ih-cut]
5f. A Charlie Brown Christmas (Peter Robbins mar ghuth Shéarlais); mar ghuth, as the voice; Shéarlais, of Charles, but note the slight difference in “Nollaig Shéarlas de Brún” (Christmas of Charles Brown — “Shéarlas” here doesn’t have the letter “i.”
6b. The Nightmare before Christmas (Danny Elfman); tromluí [trum-lee], a nightmare
7c. Miracle on 34th Street (Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O’Hara); míorúilt [MEER-oo-iltch], “sráid” (street} becomes “shráid” [say: hrawdj, the “s” is now silent] after the word “ar“; tríocha a ceathair [say: TRzhEE-uh-khuh uh KyA-hirzh, the “t” in “ceathair” is silent]
8d. The Bishop’s Wife (Cary Grant); easpag, bishop; easpaig, (of a/the) bishop; as for bishops having wives, please remember, ba easpag Easpagóideach é an t-easpag sa scannán seo.
9e. A Christmas Story (Peter Billingsley); to get the sense of “a” Christmas story, we drop the word for “the” in Irish, leaving us with simply “Scéal Nollag.” If we said “Scéal na Nollag,” it would mean the story about “saolú Chríost.”
10h. The Polar Express (Tom Hanks); traein luais [tray-in LOO-ish] means “express train;” you might recognize “luais” (lit. “of speed”) from “Luas,” the new light rail tram system in Dublin. There are actually two phrases for the “North Pole” in Irish: An Pol Thuaidh [un pol HOO-ee], and amazingly, but coincidentally similar, An Mol Thuaidh [un mol HOO-ee]. Here I’ve used the first one, and put it in the possessive form, with the initial “ph-,” which sounds like “f.”
Nóta: Iarsmaoineamh maidir le “A Charlie Brown Christmas” — le bheith cruinn, is dócha go mba chóir dúinn “Nollaig de Chuid Shéarlas de Brún” a rá. Ach feictear dom gur lán béil d’fhocail é sin. Barúlacha (Opinions)?
Nóta a dó: Má tá tú fiosrach faoi na bípeanna seanstíle mar a luaitear i bhfortheideal na grafaice ag bun an bhlag seo, éist leis seo: (Comhaireamh síos do sheanscannán, úúps, as Béarla atá sé postáilte, “Old Film Countdown,” postáilte ag “OnYaFeet.” Agus ná caoch do shúile — níl ann ach 20 soicind! Go raibh maith agat, a OnYaFeet!

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