Astronomy In The Cathedral Posted by Geoff on Jun 20, 2016 in Uncategorized
Il Duomo di Firenze, also known as La Chiesa Di Santa Maria Del Fiore, is one of the world’s most famous cathedrals. Last Year, the roughly 1.3 million tourists who visited it will certainly have admired its amazing cupola, designed by Brunelleschi, and built between 1418 and 1436.
Brunelleschi’s cupola, the world’s largest masonry dome, is hailed both as an outstanding work of art and an extraordinary piece of engineering. Tourists stare up into its void from within the hulking cathedral with mouths open in awe. But few realise that the great dome has another purpose, the results of which take place not up above them, but right down at their feet. The cupola is, in fact, one of the world’s most spectacular astronomical instruments. It’s an enormous gnomone.
Watch the video above with the Italian subtitles switched on. I have translated the interview with astronomer Fabrizio Mazzucconi which begins at 0:48. Enjoy his lovely Tuscan accent!
“La sua … diciamo … datazione è abbastanza precisa perché è stato ritrovato un documento negli archivi dell’opera del duomo in cui si attesta che nel 1475 vennero pagati ehhhh … lire 15 e soldi 5 per la costruzione e l’istallazione della bronzina che sta alla base della lanterna e che serve appunto per fare l’immagine del sole che passa sul pavimento della cappella.
“Its … dating … shall we say, is fairly precise because a document was found in the cathedral archives in which it’s noted that in 1475, 15 lire and 5 coins were paid for the construction and installation of the bronzina that’s fixed to the base of the lantern, which actually serves to create the image of the sun that passes across the floor of the chapel. (la bronzina: a small bronze plaque with a hole in it that acts as a lens to project the sun’s image onto the floor below)
La cosa interessante è che quella che si vede non è una macchia di luce, è proprio, diciamo, un’immagine del sole. Questo è dovuto all’effetto camera oscura che un piccolo foro fa quando proietta un’immagine, è come succede nella camera oscura delle macchine fotografiche ecc. ecc.
The interesting thing is that what you see isn’t a spot of light, it’s actually, let’s say, an image of the sun. This is due to the camera obscura effect which a small hole makes when it projects an image, it’s what happens inside the dark room in the cameras, and so on.
E quindi, alcune volte può succedere che si riesce a vedere nell’immagine del sole anche delle macchie solari. Bisogna che siano molto grandi, però può servire a osservare le macchie solari. Una cosa interessantissima per esempio è che qui in duomo alcuni anni fa abbiamo osservato il transito di Venere sul disco solare, e avevamo circa 3.000 persone intorno a fare l’osservazione assieme a noi!”
And so, sometimes it can happen that you manage to see sunspots in the image of the sun. They need to be very big, however it can be used to observe sunspots. A very interesting thing for example, is that a few years ago, here in the cathedral, we observed the passage of Venus across the solar disk, and we had about 3,000 people making this observation with us!”
If you want to observe the gnomone del Duomo di Firenze in action you’ll need to visit on these dates: Orario
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Ho provato di prenotare un posto per domani al duomo, ma sfortunamente, l’evento e’ gia’ completo. Magari l’anno prossimo!
Rita Kostopoulos:
Molto interessante, grazie.
Richard Sanders:
I have written some things on the gnomone, and translated Uzielli on the gnomone. A few years ago, I saw the 2004 Venus transit on youtube, but now I can’t find it. Would you be able to help me find that video?
Grazie infinite,
Rick Sanders
@Richard Sanders Please excuse the late reply Rick, we’ve had a backlog of work to get through. I’m afraid that I can’t find any videos using the search terms Venere/Venus, Gnomone, 2004 and Firenze/Florence. Mi spiace.
A presto, Geoff