Italian Language Blog

Auguri di Natale Posted by on Dec 21, 2010 in Culture, Italian Language

Yes, it’s time for the inevitable ‘Christmas Blog’. This year, I thought we’d have a look at what to write if you want to send a card to an Italian friend, or perhaps you just want to impress someone with your amazing linguistic ability! The mass exchanging of cards isn’t as big a thing here in Italy as it is in some countries, a fact for which my husband Geoff is extremely grateful. In fact he told me that an unexpected card in the letter box fills him with dread! “Oh my God, who have I forgotten this year?”

In Italia, preferiamo fare una telefonata per augurare Buone Feste. (In Italy, we prefer to make a phone call if we want to wish someone ‘Season’s Greetings’). However, for friends and family that are far away, or whom we rarely see, we may send a card.

Here below are three examples of what to write in an Italian Christmas card:

Caro Marco

ti auguro un Buon Natale
e un Felice Anno Nuovo

con tanto affetto da


Natale 2010

Dear Marco

Wishing you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year

yours affectionately


Christmas 2010

N.B Remember to change the gender and number accordingly, e.g. Cara Luisa [fem.], Cari Marco e Luisa [masc.plural]vi auguro (I wish you [plural]), ti auguriamo (we wish you [singular]), etc.

Gentile Famiglia Rossi

Auguri per un Santo Natale
e un prospero Anno Nuovo

Cordiali Saluti da

Giuseppe Verdi

Dear Rossi family

best wishes for a Holy Christmas
and a prosperous New Year

with best wishes from

Giuseppe Verdi

Gent. Dott. Verdi

Auguri di Buone Feste

Ing. Rossi

Dear Dr. Verdi

Season’s Greetings


Engineer Rossi

N.B. of these three types of greeting Buone Feste (season’s greetings) is the most neutral, avoiding as it does the use of the word Christmas. Santo Natale would be used by a strong follower of Christian beliefs and traditions.

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  1. andreas:

    Cara Serena!
    Auguri di Buone Feste

  2. Jeannet Mulder:

    Cara Serena,

    Ti auguro un Buon Natale
    e un Felice e Prospero Anno Nuovo

    Cordiale Saluti
    da Jeannet


  3. Edoardo Mutazzi:

    Tanti auguri di buone feste per te, Sreran e per Geoff

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