Italian Language Blog

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Il Giorno del Ringraziamento Posted by on Nov 25, 2020

Il Giorno del Ringraziamento – Thanksgiving Day Ciao a tutti!  Giovedì il 26 Novembre è il Giorno del Ringraziamento negli Stati Uniti! Spero sinceramente che voi e le vostre famiglie stiate bene e in salute. Thursday November 26th is Thanksgiving Day in the United States! I sincerely hope that you and your families are well and…

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Italian Slang and Expressions Posted by on Nov 20, 2020

Lo slang italiano   Oggi analizzeremo lo slang italiano, today we will analyze some Italian slang. If you want to blend in and sound like a local, you will have to use some of the more informal ‘lingo’ or linguaggio informale. The Italian you may have learned in a textbook or through certain language classes…

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Superstizioni italiane Posted by on Nov 13, 2020

Superstizioni italiane – Italian Superstitions Oggi è venerdì 13. Today is Friday the 13th. Una giornata sfortunata, an unlucky day in the US. But it’s not considered an unlucky day and number in Italy. Instead, the number 17 is unlucky for them. Let’s look at some other superstizioni italiane. Mai mettere un cappello sul letto – Never put…

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Politics in Italy Posted by on Nov 6, 2020

Ciao a tutti!  The world and all of us are watching the US elections closely, con ansia to get the final results. If you go to the Italian news site La Repubblica for example, the main page looks exactly like one from the US – full of articles about our election. To check out their…

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Quiz – Le risposte! Posted by on Oct 31, 2020

Ciao a tutti! A little update before we see the answers from last weeks quiz… You may have seen that the number of COVID-19 cases are again rising in Italy, as well as most of Europe. To combat this in Italy, gyms, movie theaters, and concert halls are now closed, and bars and restaurants must…

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Quiz -Comparitives and Superlatives Posted by on Oct 24, 2020

Ciao a tutti! Come state oggi? Spero che tutto vada bene e che siate tutti sani! I hope that everything is going well and that you are all healthy! Alcune settimane fa, a couple of weeks ago, I shared with you a blog going over the rules of comparatives and superlatives in Italian. Oggi vorrei farvi un…

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La Poesia – Poetry Posted by on Oct 16, 2020

Oggi, leggiamo un po’ di poesia italiana.  Ugo Foscolo was a famous poet, revolutionary, and writer from the 18th century. He is especially remembered for his 1807 poem called Dei Sepolcri, Of the Sepulchres, which you can read fully here. It is a 295 hendecasyllabic (line of 11 syllables) verse poem, so make sure you give yourself…

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