Archive by Author
Popular Italian Names – 1. Male Posted by Geoff on May 1, 2017
Beppe, Totò, Fede, Gino … these are all common abbreviations for Italian male names. Where do they come from, and do they have an equivalent in English? The table below gives some of the most common Italian male names together with their variations and abbreviations. Nome Varianti/Abbreviazioni Equivalente Inglese Alberto Alessandro Alessio Andrea Angelo…
The Italian Subjunctive – 1. Present Tense Posted by Geoff on Apr 28, 2017
The congiuntivo (subjunctive) is one of the more challenging forms to learn in Italian, especially as it is rarely used in English. The complexity of Italian grammar is also its beauty as it allows for many subtle shades of expression and a wealth of creative possibilities. This is part of the pleasure of mastering the…
Breakfast In Viareggio – English Translation Posted by Geoff on Apr 24, 2017
Here’s the English translation of Serena’s article Tales From The Bar – Breakfast In Viareggio, published last Friday. Frequentavo il Liceo Classico a Viareggio. La mattina presto insieme ad altri miei compagni di scuola prendevo la corriera della Lazzi che partiva da Lucca alle 7 del mattino ed arrivava a Viareggio alle 7.30. La scuola…
When In Rome ……. Posted by Geoff on Apr 20, 2017
So, if you’ve studied our recent blog Parliamo Romanesco! you should be getting the hang of the Roman dialect by now, and ready for your next challenge. Here it is … To get a real flavour of the Romano dialect it goes without saying that you need to hear it spoken, or sung, by a…
Easter In Italy Posted by Geoff on Apr 14, 2017
In Italian we say: ‘Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi’ (Christmas with your family, Easter with whoever you like). Nevertheless, Domenica di Pasqua (Easter Sunday) is usually spent with the family, engaged in the traditional act of stuffing oneself with food, and then regretting it … Da Mangiare c’è … Traditional Easter fare consists…
Romeo, Romeo, Perché Sei Tu Romeo? Posted by Geoff on Apr 7, 2017
If Shakespeare rewrote his Romeo and Juliet in 2017 …. (inspired by a visit to La Casa di Giulietta in Verona) …. Romeo: She speaks. O, speak again, bright angel, for thou art As glorious to this night, being o’er my head, As is a winged messenger of heaven … Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, wherefore moveth…
A Visit To Verona Posted by Geoff on Apr 3, 2017
Here’s our English translation of last Friday’s blog Una Visita A Verona Serena: Dove vuoi andare per prima cosa? Geoff: A me piacerebbe vedere l’Arena, e quella porta Romana che abbiamo intravisto ieri dalla macchina. Serena: Allora andiamoci subito prima che arrivino i turisti! Geoff: La direzione la sai? Serena: Suppergiù, ce l’hai quella mappa?…