Italian Language Blog

Archive for 'Uncategorized'

An Italian Poetess Posted by on Jul 6, 2016

I was in the mood for a poem. A poem full of beautiful words, which played with words in unexpected ways, a poem which was just plain poetry, music to my ears. So after much reading I finally turned to one of my favourite Italian poets, Alda Merini (1931-2009) known as la poetessa dei Navigli…

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Estate Posted by on Jun 27, 2016

It’s taken its time getting here, but it seems that the summer has finally arrived! Windows open, the scent of gelsomino (jasmine) fills the house. All seven cats are out sunning themselves on the patio or chasing lizards. The laughter of the children who have come to observe the bees drinking from the fontana in…

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The Interview Posted by on Jun 22, 2016

The other afternoon, as I was browsing through some second hand books, I found one by Mario Tobino, entitled Il Deserto Della Libia (The Libyan Desert). Mario Tobino (1910- 1991) was not just a famous prizewinning author, but also a notable psychiatrist who lived and worked for 35 years in the psychiatric hospital of Lucca…

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Astronomy In The Cathedral Posted by on Jun 20, 2016

Il Duomo di Firenze, also known as La Chiesa Di Santa Maria Del Fiore, is one of the world’s most famous cathedrals. Last Year, the roughly 1.3 million tourists who visited it will certainly have admired its amazing cupola, designed by Brunelleschi, and built between 1418 and 1436. Brunelleschi’s cupola, the world’s largest masonry dome…

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Italian Chestnut Bread Posted by on Jun 17, 2016

Here’s an unusual recipe from the Appennino Tosco Emiliano region, where chestnuts were the main staple food for centuries, il pane di farina di castagne (chestnut bread). This recipe involves the use of the vocabulary we explored in our last article: What Is Pasta? Note how the words pasta, impastare and impasto are used in…

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What is pasta? Posted by on Jun 15, 2016

What is pasta? Asked that question, most non Italians would probably think of spaghetti, lasagne and the many other variations of dried or semi dried dough which are commonly referred to by that name. But what is pasta, really? In English, there are various ways to translate the word pasta, the most literal being ‘paste’…

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The Secret Press Posted by on Jun 8, 2016

The beauty of living in Italy is that it gives you time to explore the details. From the point of view of Italy’s historical, artistic and cultural heritage, tourists are quite literally overwhelmed by the list of things that one simply ‘must see’. But for those who enjoy getting off the beaten track and exploring…

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