Ecco l’autunno! Posted by Bridgette on Oct 1, 2021 in Literature
Ciao a tutti!
Ecco l’autunno! Here is autumn! To celebrate, I’d like to share some autumnal poems. Some poetry and a good book are my equivalent to a cozy fall…
But first I’d like to mention that yesterday (Sept 30) was International Translation Day, celebrating the important role of language professionals. 🎉
Language learning facilitates dialogue and understanding between nations and its people, allows for connections and compassion, and allows you to see the world and the experience of others in a different way. In short, learning a second (or third!) language is imperative. (Not to mention all the cognitive benefits for learners…)
In honor of this and in underscoring the importance of language learning, try to translate these two quotes in the comments.
“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”
– Flora Lewis
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”
Siete d’accordo? Do you agree? How important is learning a language to you?
Roberto Piumini
Quando la terra
comincia a dormire
sotto una coperta
di foglie leggere,
quando gli uccelli
non cantano niente.
Quando di ombrelli
fiorisce la gente,
quando si sente
tossire qualcuno,
quando un bambino
diventa un alunno.
Ecco l’autunno!
Roberto Piumini
When the earth
begins to sleep
under a blanket
of light leaves,
when the birds
they don’t sing anything.
When of umbrellas
people flourish,
when you hear
cough someone,
when a child
becomes a pupil.
Here is autumn!
Vincenzo Cardarelli (1949)
Autunno. Già lo sentimmo venire
nel vento d’agosto,
nelle pioggie di settembre
torrenziali e piangenti
e un brivido percorse la terra
che ora, nuda e triste,
accoglie un sole smarrito.
Ora passa e declina,
in quest’autunno che incede
con lentezza indicibile,
il miglior tempo della nostra vita
e lungamente ci dice addio.
Vincenzo Cardarelli (1949)
Autumn. We felt its croming
in the wind of August,
in the rains of September
torrential and weeping
and a shiver ran through the earth
which now, bare and sad,
welcomes a bewildered sun.
Now passes and declines,
in this Autumn progressing
with unspeakable slowness,
the best time of our life
and lengthily bids us farewell.
Arrivederci estate, alla prossima volta!
Goodbye summer, until next time!

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Joseph Schepis:
la poesia di Signor Piumini, cosi bella e vera! Imparare una lingua nuova e’ una cosa incredibile, un piacere profondo dentro il mio cuore.
Karen G:
Loved the explanation as to why September 30th was chosen as International Translation Day. An obscure fact perhaps but it makes total sense. Thank you for the information. Karen from Arlington, Virginia