Irregular Nouns – Quiz Solutions Posted by Geoff on Aug 1, 2016 in Grammar
In last week’s quiz on irregular nouns we asked you to translate each of the sentences in the four groups below by adding the definite or indefinite article (il, i, lo, gli, la, or le, and un, uno, or una), picking the correct adjective from the box at the bottom of the page, and then pairing it with the appropriate noun.
There were certainly a few tricky ones here. For Serena and myself, an interesting outcome of this particular exercise is that it has highlighted the difficulty of knowing where to place the adjective: before or after the noun. So we’ll be posting an article on this in the near future.
Now, let’s find out how you got on.
Group A. Masculine words ending in ‘a‘ in the singular, and ‘i‘ in the plural:
1. poeta = poet
the famous poet = il famoso poeta
2. profeta = prophet
the biblical prophets = i profeti biblici
3. papa = pope
the pope is Argentinian = il papa è argentino
4. eremita = hermit
the hermit is very old = l’eremita è molto vecchio
This group also contains a series of words ending in ‘ma‘ in the singular, and ‘mi‘ in the plural, e.g.:
5. problema = problem
a complicated problem = un problema complicato
6. tema = theme
an interesting theme = un tema interessante
7. programma = program
the television programs = i programmi televisivi
Group B. Words ending in ‘ista‘ which describe professions. In the singular these always end in ‘a‘, regardless of the gender of the person described. They become regular in the plural, e.g.:
Sopra: L’autista è stanco!
il/la dentista = the dentist; masculine plural: i dentisti; feminine plural: le dentiste
8. elettricista = electrician
the clever electrician (male) = il bravo elettricista
9. farmacista = chemist
the young chemist (female) = la giovane farmacista
10. autista = driver
the drivers are tired (male) = gli autisti sono stanchi
Group C. Feminine words ending in ‘o‘ which do not change in the plural, e.g.:
la moto = the motorbike; masculine plural: le moto = the motorbikes
11. auto = car
the sport cars = le auto sportive
12. foto = photo
an old photos = una vecchia foto
13. radio = radio
the portable radios = le radio portatili
Group D. Amongst the nouns which do not change their ending in the plural form are:
Words ending with an accent, such as:
14. città (feminine) = city/town
Venice and Florence are really beautiful cities = Venezia e Firenze sono città bellissime
15. caffè (masculine) = coffee
here are your coffees = ecco i vostri caffè
16. virtù (feminine) = virtue/merit
Laura has many merits = Laura ha molte virtù
Foreign words, such as:
17. computer (masculine) = computer
the new computers are more powerful = i nuovi computer sono più potenti
18. monitor (masculine) = monitor
the flat monitors = i monitor piatti
19. boa (masculine) = boa
the boas are very long = i boa sono lunghissimi
20. lama (masculine) = lama
the Peruvian lamas = i lama peruviani
… and finally, a very tricky one that doesn’t fit into any of the above categories!
21. mano = hand N.B.: la mano = the hand (feminine) becomes le mani in the plural
my hands are clean = le mie mani sono pulite
biblico = biblical |
argentino = Argentinian |

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David Gillett:
That was really useful, but why isn’t no.13 Le radio portatile?
@David Gillett Salve David!
N.13 is “le radio portatili” and not “le radio portatile” because the adjective “portatile” is singular (both masculine and feminine), while “portatili” is plural (masc. and fem). Just like the adjectives “grande” (big) or “verde” (green).
Saluti da Serena
David Gillett:
@Geoff Grazie tanto, Serena!