Italian Language Blog

Istruzioni – The Answers Posted by on Dec 12, 2016 in Uncategorized

So … did this quiz test your Italian comprehension skills? It was certainly quite tricky! Let’s find out how you got on.

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Where would you find the following istruzioni (instructions)? Match each phrase to one of the locations given below.

1. Tenere fuori dalla portata e dalla vista dei bambini
Keep out of reach and sight of children
Answer: on a bottle of bleach

2. Per una maggiore riservatezza la preghiamo di attendere qui il suo turno
For the sake of privacy kindly wait your turn here
Answer: at a cashier’s desk in the post office or the bank

3. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro il …..
To be eaten preferably by …..
Answer: on a box of breakfast cereals

4. Servirsi del sottopassaggio
Use the underpass
Answer: at a railway station

5. Lasciare libero il passaggio
Keep clear
Answer: on a garage door

6. Tempo di cottura 11 minuti
Cooking time 11 minutes
Answer: on a packet of spaghetti

7. Leggere il foglio illustrativo primo dell’uso
Read the instruction leaflet before use
Answer: on a box of medicines (N.B. il foglio illustrativo, commonly known as il bugiardino = the little liar, is the instruction leaflet found inside a box of medicines, listing contraindications and side effects)

8. Non gettare oggetti dal finestrino
Don’t throw objects from the window
Answer: on a train window

9. Riusami per la tua spesa e poi riciclami
Reuse me for your shopping and then recycle me
Answer: on a plastic shopping bag

10. Servire a temperatura ambiente
Serve at room temperature
Answer: on a bottle of red wine


11. Munirsi dello scontrino alla cassa
Get the receipt from the cash desk
Answer: at a bar

12. 50 In caso di nebbia o di pioggia
50 (km per hour) in case of fog or rain
Answer: on a road sign

13. Domenica e festivi
Sundays and holiday
Answer: on a bus or train timetable

14. Digitare il codice segreto e premere il tasto verde per confermare
Enter the secret code and press the green button to confirm
Answer: at a cash machine

15. Crosta non edibile
Non edible crust
Answer: on a cheese label

16. Lavare i capi colorati separatamente
Wash coloured items separately
Answer: on a clothing label

17. Munirsi del biglietto prima di salire
Get your ticket before climbing aboard
Answer: on a bus

18. Il fumo uccide
Smoking kills
Answer: on a packet of cigarettes

Horses crossing!

Alla prossima!

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  1. Steve:

    In the second sign, what is do the letters “ER” mean above aperto?

    • Serena:

      @Steve Salve Steve, “er” means “il” (the) in romanesco, the Roman dialect.
      Saluti da Serena

  2. John:

    Got my answers to the bleach (q1) and medicines (q7) the wrong way around…., which is a bit worrying!!! The rest of my answers were right. Thank you very much for an entertaining quiz.

    • Serena:

      @John Salve John, the warning sign on the bottle of bleach (tenere lontano dalla portata dei bambini) appears on many items, from bleach to paint, including medicines. However, the writing about “il foglio illustrativo” is typical of medicines.
      Saluti da Serena

  3. Patricia:

    Ottimo quiz! Mi e` piaciuto moltissimo. l00%

  4. Rosalind:

    I was also wondering which dialect it was on the no parking notice. Tutti l’artri… etc. Not that I’m actually planning to use the phrase any time soon! Thanks for the quiz.

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