Italian Language Blog

Mimì La Gatta – La Mia Storia – Part 1 Posted by on Dec 15, 2010 in Uncategorized



Mimì La Gatta – La Mia Storia – Part 1

Mimì The Cat – My Story – Part 1

Non è da sempre che abito qua in questa casa. Una volta ce n’era un’altra, più grande ma meno accogliente. C’era anche un’altra famiglia. Pensavo che mi volessero bene. Magari all’inizio, quando ero piccina e troppo divertente, sì.

I haven’t always lived in this house. Once there was another one, bigger, but less welcoming. There was also another family. I thought that they loved me. Perhaps they did in the beginning, when I was tiny, and very amusing.

Ma pian piano si sono stufati della mia compagnia. Non mi facevano più le carrrezze. Mi scridavano, e mi buttavano fuori di casa sempre più spesso. E così sono finita con l’unirmi agli altri gatti mezzo selvatici del vicinato, finché non è successo l’inevitabile: sono rimasta incinta.

But gradually they tired of my company, they didn’t stroke me anymore. They scolded me, and threw me out of the house more and more often. And that’s how I ended up joining up with the other half wild cats of the neighborhood, until finally, the inevitable happened: I became pregnant.

Come ho detto, i miei umani si erano già stufati di me, capirai quanto erano contenti quando ho dato alla luce tre bellissimi cuccioli!

Non mi ricordo molto bene quei giorni dopo la nascita dei miei gattini. È tutto confuso nella nebbia di dormire ed allattare. Ma c’è una cosa che non mi scorderò mai: quel maledetto giorno in cui mi hanno rubato due dei miei piccini.

As I said, my humans were already fed up with me, so you can imagine how pleased they were when I gave birth to three beautiful baby cats!

I don’t recall very clearly the days following the birth of my kittens. It’s all a foggy confusion of sleeping and giving milk. But there’s one thing that I’ll never forget: that cursed day on which they stole two of my little ones.

Ero, come al solito, in dormiveglia, a godermi la vicinanza dei micini che succhiavano, quando sono scese dal cielo quelle mani cattive, e prima che avessi tempo di reagire, due se n’erano già andati.

Sono stati solamente i miei artigli e miei denti aguzzi che hanno salvato il terzo. Presa dall’ansia, ho deciso lì per lì di scappare appena possibile e così di salvare l’unico gattino che mi era rimasto.

I was, as usual, half asleep, enjoying the closeness of the kittens who were suckling from me, when those evil hands descended from the sky, and before I had time to react two of them were already gone.

It was only my claws and sharp teeth that saved the third. Filled with anxiety, I decided there and then to escape as soon as I could, thereby saving the only kitten I had left.

Mimì La Gatta

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  1. Yvonne:

    Oh, Mimi, my heart and eyes got sad when I read about your children taken from you. Any mother would know how you felt. Excuse me while I blow my nose, wipe my eyes. Ciao, bella.

  2. Ruth Neeman:

    Cara Mimi
    Mi piace molto che tu scrivi il tuo BLOG in Italiano!

  3. andreas:

    Cara Mimi!
    Che storia tanto commovente!

  4. Yvonne:

    I haven’t missed an episode about Mimi, have I?

    • Serena:

      @Yvonne Ciao Yvonne,

      Mimì, like all artists, suffers from the occasional lack of inspiration, especially when it’s cold and damp outside and there are nice comfy catnapping places to be found indoors, from which she occasionally moves her ‘sedere’ to eat a few croccantini. I have had a word with her, as her interpreter and manager, and she has agreed to try and stay conscious for long enough to write the next episode this week.

      Saluti da Geoff (il marito di Serena ed ufficiale ‘manager’ di ‘Mimì La Gatta’)

  5. Phyllis MacAfee:

    Mimi La Gatta is such a sad/sweet story. I am learning italian and love the fact that the english translation is right there too. It is very helpful.
    Keep the story going please.

    thank you

    • Serena:

      @Phyllis MacAfee Salve Phyllis,

      Mimì has promised me that she will write the next episode this week.

      Saluti da Geoff (Il marito di Serena)

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