Tendenze demografiche (Demographic tendencies)
In Italia, la popolazione residente (the resident population) is increasing. However, il tasso di fecondità (the birth rate) remains relatively stable, but below the 2.1 per couple which would guarantee a ricambio generazionale (renewal of the next generation). The current crescita demografica (demographic growth) is explained by immigration.
L’Italia continua ad invecchiare (Italy continues to age)
Italy has an ageing population. There has been a growth in the age band 65+ years. This trend is set to rapidly increase due to the fact that, at present, the largest percentage of the population is aged between 45 and 65 and the birth rate remains low.
Vivere soli (Living alone)
Aumentano gli anziani che vivono soli (the number of old people living alone is growing), the majority of which are women. 14.5 % of men and 37.5 % of women over the age of 65 live alone. This constitutes more than 1 in 4 elderly people.
Speranza di vita (Life expectancy)
Life expectancy has increased slightly to 78.7 years for men, and 84 years for women. However, in the south of Italy many provinces have a life expectancy lower than the national average. La speranza di vita alla nascita (life expectancy at birth) has also increased, yet contrary to past trends baby boys now have a higher chance of survival than baby girls.
Although life expectancy has increased, the gap between males and females is closing. Italian men now have a proportionally higher chance of survival, i.e. there is no longer such a large gap between male and female longevity. This seems to be due to two main factors: Firstly, men’s health awareness has increased. For example 39% of men, as opposed to only 16% of women have recently given up smoking. Secondly, Italian women are now more likely to lead a lifestyle closer to that traditionally led by men, with all its inherent health risks.
The above information is taken from the Rapporto Osservasalute 2010
Salve Serena:
If I remember right, the drop in the native birth rate and the subsequent need to allow immigration was a primary cause of the fall of the Roman empire. Do Italians worry about this today?
In a way, the empire didn’t fall. The last emperor was just told to retire to his villa while the foreign head of the Roman Army took over running the country. The same government and bureaucrats ran the country for about 100 more years. (This is in the West of course.)
Will history repeat itself?
@Vince Salve Vince!
Well, with our present government we’ve certainly reached the same decadent corruption that existed at the end of the Roman Empire. I just hope it won’t last for another 100 years!
Saluti da Serena
SERENA, Molto interessante conoscere questi dati. Grazie tante.Edoardo