Tag Archives: How to use the subjunctive in Italian
Congiuntivo o Infinito? Posted by Serena on Apr 10, 2017

When learning Italian, students are taught that verbs expressing desires, wishes, worries, doubts, opinions, and beliefs are followed by the subjunctive. If this is the case, then why do we say “spero di finire questo lavoro entro stasera” (“I hope to finish this job by this evening” infinitive) instead of “spero che io finisca questo…
Using The Subjunctive In Italian Posted by Serena on Apr 23, 2013
Several years ago I wrote a series of posts about the use of the subjunctive, and I divided the subject in four parts, each dealing with one tense: congiuntivo presente (present subjunctive), congiuntivo passato (past or perfect subjunctive), congiuntivo imperfetto (imperfect subjunctive) e congiuntivo trapassato (pluperfect subjunctive). Today we’re going to look at the some…