Tag Archives: Italian cuisine
Italian Style Octopus And Potato Salad Posted by Serena on Aug 7, 2017

Here’s a wonderful summer recipe full of the flavours of the sea, l’insalata di polpo e patate (octopus and potato salad). This classic Italian dish is quite simple and very tasty, but beware: there are some gruesome acts to be committed. I can’t wait to see Geoff’s expression when he reads it! Allora, siete pronti?…
Capitone Fritto Posted by Serena on Dec 22, 2016
In Southern Italy the most traditional dish eaten for il cenone di Natale (Christmas eve meal) is il capitone fritto (fried eel). Despite the masculine name, il capitone is actually a fully mature female eel, which is much bigger than the male. The name capitone comes from the word ‘capa‘ (capo in Italian), meaning ‘head’…
Tasty Italian Flowers Posted by Serena on May 18, 2016
Food dominates all here in Italy, and wherever they are, whatever the occasion, Italians love discussing it! Here’s a typical example: The setting: A small Yoga class in a little Italian country town The characters: Serena (the yoga teacher) and the students (all ladies). Insegnante: “Adesso sdraiatevi e portate le ginocchia al petto così da…
The Tree of Life – Part 1 Posted by Geoff on Jan 21, 2015
Castagno = Sweet Chestnut Tree Castagna (plural castagne) = Sweet Chestnut/s Castagneto = Chestnut Plantation Up until just a few decades ago, the humble castagna was a vital part of the Italian contadino’s (peasant’s) diet. Il castagno, often referred to in times past as l’albero del pane (the bread tree) proliferated around small towns and…
Italian Herbs and Spices Posted by Serena on May 5, 2014
Italy is famous for its amazing cuisine, one of the most notable aspects of which is the simplicity of the recipes. Wonderful fresh ingredients, blessed by the Mediterranean sun, are combined in inventive ways, and flavoured with a range of traditional herbs and spices. Let’s find out what the most common of these spezie ed…