Tag Archives: Italian imperfect subjunctive
An Extremely Subjunctive Investigation Posted by Serena on Apr 26, 2018

Happily, thanks to the correct list of body parts that we sent him, our grammatically challenged Tenente Ciceri didn’t have to spend a month directing traffic! If you haven’t already done so, you can read part 1. here: The Strange Case Of The Irregular Body The List Of Irregular Body Parts: the ear = l’orecchio…
The Italian Subjunctive – 4. Imperfect Tense Posted by Geoff on Jun 5, 2017

Let’s continue our series of articles on the subjunctive form with an in depth look at il congiuntivo imperfetto (the imperfect subjunctive). Constructing the congiuntivo imperfetto To construct the congiuntivo imperfetto of regular verbs we modify the ending of the infinitive in the following way: verbs ending in –are, e.g. parlare (to speak): io parlassi…
Using The Subjunctive In Italian Posted by Serena on Apr 23, 2013
Several years ago I wrote a series of posts about the use of the subjunctive, and I divided the subject in four parts, each dealing with one tense: congiuntivo presente (present subjunctive), congiuntivo passato (past or perfect subjunctive), congiuntivo imperfetto (imperfect subjunctive) e congiuntivo trapassato (pluperfect subjunctive). Today we’re going to look at the some…
If I could have … Posted by Serena on Jun 3, 2009
There is an old popular Italian song from 1939 called ‘Mille Lire al Mese’, which somehow seems very appropriate given the present economic climate. The first verse goes: Che disperazione, che delusione dover campar, sempre in disdetta, sempre in bolletta! Ma se un posticino domani cara io trovero’, di gemme d’oro ti copriro’! Se potessi…