Tag Archives: Italian present perfect
Using The Passato Prossimo In Italian – Part 2 Posted by Geoff on Jun 25, 2018

In part 1 we looked at how to construct the passato prossimo (present perfect) in its simplest form. Today we’re going to find out what happens when a direct object is replaced by a direct object pronoun in the past tense. Read on and all will be explained. Let’s begin with an example and an…
Using The Passato Prossimo – An Exercise Posted by Geoff on Jun 13, 2018

In my article Using The Passato Prossimo In Italian – Part 1 we looked at the basic rules for constructing the passato prossimo (present perfect). Here’s an exercise that will help you gauge your abilities. Fill in the gaps in the Italian sentences below. 1. A Trip to Rome Marco: Giovanni went to Rome last…
Using The Passato Prossimo In Italian – Part 1 Posted by Geoff on Jun 12, 2018

Il passato prossimo, known as the present perfect in English, is not a particularly complex construction. The key lies in knowing which auxiliary verb to use: essere or avere. In today’s article, rather than talking about the often confusing topic of transitive and intransitive verbs and how they affect the choice of which auxiliary to…
A Not So Perfect Witness Posted by Serena on May 4, 2018

This, the third chapter of my detective story, takes the form of a quiz based on the passato prossimo. If you haven’t read the previous chapters you can find them here: Chapter 1. The Strange Case Of The Irregular Body Chapter 2. An Extremely Subjunctive Investigation Since he retired from the Royal Navy many many…
The Fall of my Guardian Angel Posted by Serena on Sep 27, 2013
In this little story from my childhood I’ve mainly used two verb tenses: imperfetto, which I’ve marked in purple, and passato prossimo, which is in red. Quando ero bambina in casa avevamo una statuina in ceramica di un angelo, che mia madre diceva essere il nostro angelo custode: era alta circa 10 cm, aveva la…
Grammar Quiz: Trapassato Prossimo e Passato Prossimo – the solutions Posted by Geoff on Oct 19, 2012
Here are the solutions to our quiz about the use of the Trapassato Prossimo and the Passato Prossimo as explained in our recent blogs Trapassato Prossimo e Passato Prossimo and e finì tutto a tarallucci e vino I asked you to complete the following sentences using either the trapassato prossimo or the passato prossimo. Let’s…
Grammar Quiz: Trapassato Prossimo e Passato Prossimo Posted by Geoff on Oct 17, 2012
Here’s a quiz to help you check your knowledge of the use of the Trapassato Prossimo and the Passato Prossimo. If you haven’t already done so you should read our recent blogs Trapassato Prossimo e Passato Prossimo and e finì tutto a tarallucci e vino Complete the following sentences using either the trapassato prossimo or…