10 must know phrases to cheer someone up in Japanese Posted by keiko on Mar 20, 2018 in Uncategorized
“Learning another language is like becoming another person.” – Haruki Murakami
Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing great! As I write this, I wish I was outside(soto, 外、そと) today. It’s such a beautiful day today here in Pacific Northwest. I hear rain (ame, 雨、あめ)is coming tomorrow, which will be no fun. It’s still cold(samui, 寒い、さむい )out, but we gotta enjoy this weather while we have it.
So, I picked this topic today, “How to cheer someone up in Japanese..” because just last night my younger son went to a soccer(サッカー、さっかー) tryout for an academy team here, and turned out that he did not make the cut. We knew that the tryout was going to be one of the hardest ones to make, but still it was a disappointing moment for my son. So, here are some of the phrases that came to my mind as I was trying to cheer him up last night.
1. Cheer up!
Genki dashite!
元気 出して!
(げんき だして!)
2. You did your best out there today.
Kyo wa honto- ni ganbattane.
今日は 本当に 頑張ったね。
(きょうは ほんとうに がんばったね。)
3. I could see you working hard out there.
Issho- kenmei ganbatterunoga mitete wakatta yo.
一生懸命 頑張ってるのが 見てて 分かったよ。
(いっしょう けんめい がんばってるのが みてて わかったよ。)
4. This was a very good experience for you.
Konkai wa ii keiken ni nattane.
今回は いい 経験に なったね。
(こんかいは いい けいけん に なったね。)
5. I was so proud of you!
Hokori ni omou yo.
誇りに 思うよ。
(ほこりに おもうよ。)
6. Let’s try again next time.
Mata tsugi ganbaroune.
また 次 頑張ろうね。
(また つぎ がんばろうね。)
7. Good job today!
Kyo wa otsukare sama.
今日は お疲れ様!
(きょうは おつかれさま!)
8. Keep working hard for the next opportunity.
Tsugi no kikai no tameni korekara mo ganbarou.
次の 機会のために これからも 頑張ろう!
つぎの きかいの ために これからも がんばろう!
9. I believe in you!
O-en shiteru karane!
(おうえん してるからね!)
10. Don’t worry about today, let’s focus on what you can do for next one.
Kyo no koto wa shinpai shinaide, tsugi no tameni naniga dekiruka shuchu shiyou.
今日の ことは 心配 しないで、 次のために 何が 出来るか 集中しよう。
(きょうの ことは しんぱい しないで、 つぎのために なにが できるか しゅうちゅう しよう。)
As he has another tryout coming up in about a month, there is no time to look back and worry about the past, moving onto the next one. 🙂

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Nice collection but you should really use macrons for extended vowel sounds when writing pronunciation of Japanese in English (e.g. 東京 Tōkyō). If you use a dash people might mistake it for an attempt to separate the vowel sounds.
@Bob Hi Bob,
Thank you for your feedback. I totally agree with you. I will do a better job for future posts on using “macrons”.
I appreciate for your input! 🙂
Thank you,