Get Well Soon message in Japanese Posted by keiko on Dec 16, 2017 in Culture, Grammar
❝Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.❞
‒Chinese Proverb

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Recently, I found out that one of our friends has just gone through an open heart surgery. Fortunately, her surgery went very well, and she is doing well. Her road to recovery will be long, but she is hopeful that she will be able to get back to normal in a few months.
How would you say, “Get well soon” in Japanese? Since I don’t believe I talked about this subject in the past, I thought I would cover this topic today. Below are some of the simple get well messages I have collected. These are messages that you can use for your family and close friends.
“Hope you will feel better soon~”
Suguni yoku narimasu youni.
すぐに 良く なりますように。(すぐに よく なりますように。)
“Hope you will recover quickly.”
Hayaku kaifuku saremasu youni.
早く 回復 されますように。(はやく かいふく されますように)
“Please take a good care of yourself!”
Douzo gojiai kudasai mase.
どうぞ ご自愛 下さいませ。(どうぞ ごじあい くださいませ。)
“Wishing you a speedy recovery!”
Zenkai o inotte imasu.
全快を 祈ってます。(ぜんかい を いのってます。)
“Hope you feel a little better every day.”
Mainichi sukoshi demo yoku natte ikimasu youni.
毎日 少しでも よくなって いきますように。(まいにち すこしでも よくなって いきますように。)
“I ‘m here for you. If you need anything.”
Nanika hitsuyou nara itsudemo sobani irukara ne.
何か 必要なら いつでも そばに いるからね。(なにか ひつようなら いつでも そばに いるからね。)
“Feel better soon!”
Hayaku genkini nattene.
早く 元気に なってね。 (はやく げんきに なってね。)
“Hang in there!”
“I am thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.”
Soki kaifuku o inotte imasu.
早期回復を 祈っています。(そうき かいふく を いのって います。)
“I can’t wait to see you again once you get better. “
~san ga hayaku genki ni natte mata aitai desu.
〜さんが 早く 元気に なって、 また 会いたいです。(〜さんが はやく げんきに なって、また あいたい です。)
Hope this info was helpful in your learning Japanese. If you are writing a get well card for your Japanese friend, it will be nice to add a simple message like these at the end~. 🙂

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J.H Lee:
Many thanks a lot for your kind informations.
@J.H Lee Thank you, J. H Lee for your kind words. 🙂