Kanji Practice Posted by Ginny on May 28, 2009 in Uncategorized
Once again, I thank everyone who participated in this exercise!
Here are the answers to the hiragana section: 1) ねこ (cat) 2) なに (what) 3) たこ (octopus) 4) はい (hai) 5) ふうふ (married couple) 6) なか (middle, center) 7) のう (brain) 8) はこ (box) 9) はは (mother) 10) はな(flower)
Here are the answers to the katakana section: 1) テスト (test) 2) ナウ (now) 3) ナイト (night) 4) ナイス (nice) 5) ヌード (nude) 6) ノウ (know) 7) タイ (tie) 8) タフ (tough) 9) ハイ (high) 10) ツー (two)
Today I’m going to give out some kanji exercises. I’ll provide the meaning, the kun reading, which is the native Japanese reading and the on reading, which is the pronunciation borrowed from the Chinese. The on will be in katakana. The kun will be in hiragana. All you have to do is provide the characters in the comment section. All these characters are pretty standard in the Japanese language, so hopefully you won’t have too much difficulty with this exercise.
1) Meaning: space, interval. Kun: ま. On: カン.
2) Meaning: three. Kun: み. On: サン.
3) Meaning: six. Kun: む On: ロク.
4) Meaning: eye. Kun: め On: ガン.
5) Meaning: tree, wood. On: モク Kun: き
6) Meaning: next, come. On: ライ Kun: くろ.
7) Meaning: power, strength. On: リイ Kun: ちから.
8) Meaning: weak. On: ルイ Kun: よわい.
9) Meaning: cool, cold. On: レイ Kun: つめたい.
10) Meaning: old age, elderly. On: ロウ Kun: ふける

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I’m new to your blog. Pls kindly explain how it works. Thanks
not sure what you mean, but it’s a blog. You read it and can post comments. Sometimes I give optional exercises for people to do. If they want to, they can post the answers in the comment section.