Learning Japanese for Business – 3 Posted by keiko on Apr 28, 2015 in Culture, Grammar
Making an appointment
Today’s post is all about making an appointment. How would you say, “I would like to set up an appointment with Mr.Tanaka ” in Japanese?
Well, when you would like to set up an appointment with someone, here are some useful phrases you can use. These expressions can be used over the phone as well.
I would like to set up an appointment with Mr. Tanaka. – Tanaka sama to apo o toritainodesuga. (たなかさま と アポ を とりたいのですが。)
*Appointment can be expressed as “Apo, アポ” as well as “Uchiawase, うちあわせ”.
Is he available this Wednesday? – Kare wa konshu no suiyo-bi ojikan arimasuka? (かれは こんしゅうの すいようび おじかんありますか?)
How about 11 am? Gozen 11 ji wa ikagadesuka? (ごぜん11じは いかがですか?)
I would like to come over to your office. Onsha ni oukagai shitainodesuga. (おんしゃに おうかがい したいのですが。)
**Your office will be “Onsha, (おんしゃ、御社)
I would like to meet with you to discuss it. Zehi oaishite ohanashio shitainodesuga. (ぜひ おあいして おはなしを したいのですが。)
Could you come over to our office? – Heisha made okoshi itadakemasenka? (へいしゃまで おこしいただけませんか?)
**Our office will be “Heisha(へいしゃ、弊社)”.
Will tomorrow work for you? – Asuwa ikagadesuka? (あすは いかがですか?)
What time will be good for you? – Nanji ga yoroshii deshouka? (なんじが よろしいでしょうか?)
I am sorry to bother you when you are busy..- Oisogashii tokoro sumimasen. (おいそがしいところ すみません。)
** This is a very common expression to use just to be polite before you start your conversation, or before you start asking questions.
This Thursday will not work for me. – Konshu Mokuyobi wa tsugoga waruidesu. (こんしゅう もくようびは つごうがわるいです。)
I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience. – Sochirano tsugo-no iijikan ni awase masu. (そちらのつごうのいいじかんに あわせます。)
I look forward to seeing you. – Oai suruno o tanoshimini shite orimasu. (おあいするのを たのしみに しております。)
Thank you very much for your time. – Sakidattewa shitsurei itashimashita. (さきだっては しつれい いたしました。)

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Is he available this Wednesday? – Kare wa konshu no suiyo-bi ojikan arimasuka? (かれは こんしゅうの すいようび おじかんありますか?)
You’d really say かれ to someone you want to do business with?
@Hokudaicast Hi Hokudaicast,
That’s a good point. かれ should be actually used once you address someone’s name first. The first time you are referring to someone would be using Mr. or Mrs. So, ~ sama (~様) in Japanese. Thanks for pointing that out!