Japanese Language Blog

Merry Christmas in Japanese Posted by on Dec 18, 2017 in Culture, Grammar

Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.
‒Rita Mae Brown

Image by Pixabay

It’s hard to believe, Christmas will be here in a week from today. Time is flying by too fast this year for me. Before we know it, we will be celebrating a New Year soon!  I am still in process of finishing up some of my Christmas cards to my friends here in U.S, and need to get them done quickly so it will be delivered to them by Christmas. Good thing is that I have already sent the cards to my family and friends in Japan. 🙂 Today’s topic is all about Christmas message in Japanese. If you have any Japanese friend, why not try one of these messages on your card?


Merry Christmas! 

Meri Kurisumas!




Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Meri Kurisumas! soshite yoi otoshio!

メリークリスマス!そして 良いお年を!(めりーくりすます! そして よい おとしを!)


Thank you again for everything this past year! 

Kotoshimo iroiro to arigato!

今年も 色々と ありがとう! (ことしも いろいろと ありがとう!)



Have a wonderful Christmas! 

Sutekina Kurisumas o osugoshi kudasai ne.

素敵なクリスマスをお過ごしくださいね。(すてきな クリスマスを おすごしくださいね。)



I can’t wait to see you at the Christmas party! 

Kurisumas party de oai dekiru no ga machido shii desu.

クリスマスパーティ で お会いできるのが 待ち遠しいです。(くりすます ぱーてぃ で おあいできるのが まちどおしい です。)



Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season.

Gokazoku to isshoni sutekina kyu-jitsu o sugosa reru koto o inottemasu.

ご家族と 一緒に 素敵な 休日を 過ごされることを 祈ってます。(ごかぞくと いっしょに すてきな きゅうじつを すごされることを いのってます。)



Wishing you a peace, love, and joy this holiday season!

Kono renkyu chu ni heiwa to ai to yorokobi ga otozuremasu yo-ni!

この 連休中 に 平和 と 愛 と 喜びが 訪れますように。(この れんきゅう ちゅう に へいわ と あい と よろこび が おとずれますように。)



Hope you will like this Christmas present! 

Kono Kurismas present o kini itte itadake masu yoni.

この クリスマス プレゼントを 気に入って いただけますように。(この くりすます ぷれぜんと を きにいって いただけます ように)


Have you already sent out your Christmas cards to your loved ones? ~

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About the Author: keiko

Born and raised in Japan. She currently lives in U.S. with her husband and two kids.


  1. Raquel:

    This is amazing, thank you. I would like to learn Japanese, though I am pushing myself to also learn Spanish, as I like very close to Mexico.

    • keiko:

      @Raquel Hi Raquel,

      Japanese and Spanish are both great languages to learn. My son is learning Spanish now, and he is loving it!


  2. Raquel:

    Thank you