Must Watch Funny Japanese Commercial Posted by keiko on Jan 30, 2015 in Culture, Grammar
I would like to end this month with something funny and humorous. This is one of the TV commercials from home delivery sushi place. You might not need to understand the details of the Japanese language to get an idea on what’s happening, but it sure gives you more reason to laugh if you understand the Japanese. This is so funny! It sure is worth 45 seconds of your time! Enjoy!
Ginno Sara Commercial
Japanese Transliteration
Ah~ mou, watashino me wa gomakasare masenkarane~
Dokoda? ah~ atta~ mou me!
Nyuinchuuni osaakenante zettai damenandesu.
Naorumonomo naoranaku narimasuyo. Jibun no doryoku mo atte naorundesu. Anatano karada dakara shoujiki doudemo in dakedo ne. Itsumademo yasashikusareruto omottarasa, oomachigai.
Erabinukareta sozaidake. Takuhai zushi wa ginno sara.
Japanese (Hiragana)
あ~もう! わたしのめは、ごまかされませんからね。
にゅういんちゅうに おさけなんて ぜったい だめなんです。
なおるものも なおらなく なりますよ。 じぶんの どりょくも あってなおるんです。
あなたの からだだから しょうじき どうでも いんだけどね。 いつまでも やさしくされるとおもったら おおまちがい。
えらびぬかれた そざいだけ たくはい ずしは ぎんのさら。
Japanese (Kanji)
あ~もう! 私の目は、ごまかされませんからね。
入院中にお酒なんて、絶対 ダメなんです。
治るものも治らなくなりますよ。自分の 努力も あって 治るんです。あなたの 体だから、正直、どうでもいんだけどね。 いつまでも 優しくされると 思ったら 大間違い。
English Translation
How are you feeling?
Oh no! You can’t fool me!
Where is it? Oh I found it. No!
You can never drink (alcohol) while you are being hospitalized.
You can’t cure things that could be cured.
You have to put your effort into it. To be honest with you, it’s your body, so I don’t really care. You are wrong if you think you will be treated nicely forever.
Are you ok?
Only carefully selected ingredients. Ginno sara for home delivery sushi.
How did you like it? I thought this was pretty funny 45 -second commercial. It’s amazing how this lady transformed herself with make up! Watching funny commercials is a great way of learning language. I will be posting more in the future!

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