Japanese Language Blog

Te Form + います Posted by on May 8, 2010 in Grammar

We’ve already talked about the form + います as being used to express the present progress, but did you know that there are other uses of the form + います.

When verbs of movement like 行く (to go), 来る (to come), 帰る (to return), 出る (to go out), and 入る (to enter) is combined with the form, the time of when the action takes place is not always in the present progressive :

佐藤さんは部屋に入っています = Mr. Satō is in the room.

(さとう/佐藤 = Satō. さん = Mr. = particle. へや/部屋 = room. = particle. はいっています/入っています = enter)

In this case, the sentence can be interpreted as, “Mr. Satō entered the room and is still there”.

There may be some ambiguity as to the meaning of certain sentences :

益子さんはブラウスを着ています = Ms. Masuko is putting on a blouse/Ms. Masuko is wearing a blouse

(ますこ/益子 = Masuko. さん = Ms. = particle. ブラウス = blouse. = particle. きています/着ています = wearing/putting)

The example above could mean, “Ms. Masuko is putting on a blouse right now” or “Ms. Masuko put a blouse on, and she still has the blouse on”.

form + います can also be used to indicate a change in status :

新さんは結婚しています = Mr. Arata is married

(あらた/ = Arata. さん = Mr. = particle. けっこんしています/結婚しています = married)

In other words, Mr. Arata was single before, but now he’s married.

form + います can also be used to express a habitual action :

高橋さんは毎日テニスをしています = Mr. Takahashi plays tennis every day

(たかはし/高橋 = Takahashi. さん = Mr. = particle. まいにち/毎日 = every day. テニス = tennis. = particle. しています = do/”play”)

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