U Verbs In the Present Indicative Tense Posted by Ginny on Sep 12, 2009 in Grammar
Depending on the person, u verbs can be called godan (ごだん) verbs or class 1/group 1 verbs. Below is a list of verbs that may belong to this group:
verbs that end in su in the infinitive: hanasu (はなす) to talk
Present indicate tense: hanashimas (はなします)(話します)
verbs that end in ku: kiku (きく) to hear
PI: kikimasu (ききます)(聞きます)
Verbs that end in gu: isogu (いそぐ) to hurry
PI: isogimasu (いそぎます)(急ぎます)
verbs that end in bu: asobu (あそぶ) to play
PI: asobimasu (あそびます)(遊びます)
verbs that end in tsu: matsu (まつ) to wait
PI: machimasu (まちます)(待ちます)
verbs that end in mu: yomu (よむ) to read
PI: yomimasu (よみます)(読みます)
verbs that end in nu: shinu (しぬ) to die
PI: shinimas (しにます)(死にます)
verbs that end in au: harau (はらう) to pay
PI: haraimasu (はらいます)(払います)
verbs that end in ru: tsukuru (つくる) to make
PI: tsukurimasu (つくります)(作ります)
Be careful with the u verbs. In the present tense, it’s not enough to just take the u off and add mas to the stem of the verb. For example, hanasu is formed in the present tense by 1) dropping the u 2)adding a shi sound instead of a s sound 3) add mas to the hanashi. Also, take a look at the verb tsukuru, which ends in ru. At first glance, you might think this is a ru verb. However, it’s not. I’m going to go into more detail (in the next post) about some ways you can use some clues to tell whether a ru verb is really an ru verb or an u verb.

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