Archive for February, 2017
Like or Don’t Like in Korean Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Feb 22, 2017

Do you like studying Korean? Like or Don’t like can be used to express your interests or preferences in food, hobby, music, person, place, and thing. Knowing how to express your preferences would be a useful skill to communicate with Korean speakers. How would you answer these questions in Korean?: “What is your favorite Korean…
Feeling Sick or Hurt??? Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Feb 15, 2017

No one wants to get sick! However, when sicknesses take you by surprise, the following common expressions will help you to describe general aches and pains in Korean. If you are feeling sick and need to see a 약사 (pharmacist) or 의사 (doctor), how would you answer this question; 어디 아파요? (Where does it hurt?) in Korean?…
3 Ways to Say “I Love You” in Korean Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Feb 8, 2017

Love is everywhere! As you are aware, Valentine’s Day is approaching soon. Do you have someone special to say “ I love you” this Valentine’s Day? Here are three different ways to say, “I love you” in Korean. February 14th starts a series of romantic days in the Korean calendar. In this article, I will…
Scavenger Hunt at a Korean Supermarket #2 Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Feb 1, 2017

Welcome to the second part of Scavenger Hunt at a Korean Supermarket. I hope you are somewhat familiar with a Korean supermarket now. Going to a Korean supermarket could help you practice your Korean skills and become acquainted with Korean food. In my last post, I introduced several kinds of Korean 쌀 (rice), common청과물 (fresh produce) that…