Archive for 'Pronunciation'
Old and New Culture in Modern Korean Society (Part 5) Posted by Flying Oyster on Feb 23, 2022

바야흐로 (bah-ya-hue-ro: at the height of, in full swing), we have reached the last post of Old and New Cultures in Modern Korean Society (Part 5). I have been observing changes in Korean culture for a while and collecting ideas to share my personal opinions on it. Today, I would like to talk about some…
Old and New Culture in Modern Korean Society (Part 4) Posted by Flying Oyster on Feb 3, 2022

I often talk to a group of friends who I grew up with in Korea. Once I start having a conversation with my friends, I often feel how far away from my own country my life has taken me. There are new words that I literally have to research in the middle of conversations. It…
Old and New Culture in Modern Korean Society (Part 3) Posted by Flying Oyster on Jan 26, 2022

In 2021, I talked about some aspects of Korean culture. Some of them are slowly disappearing, but others surprisingly still exist. If you haven’t read them yet, I recommend that you read these in order to understand how fast Korean cultures are changing. ( ( Today, I would like to talk about 양육…
Things that You Want to Know in Black Tiger Year Posted by Flying Oyster on Jan 10, 2022

A year of 다사다난 (dah-sah-dah-nan: eventful) conditions and situations, 2021 is behind us and the new year, 2022 has arrived. The number of 2022 personally brings me back to some of my memories of the sci-fi movies I may watch when I was younger. These movies typically start with a quote, such as ‘In 2022…
Old and New Culture in Modern Korean Society (Part 1) Posted by Flying Oyster on Nov 17, 2021

When I first moved to the States, I worked for a Korean company for a brief moment. A couple of young co-workers often complained about senior customers who were seemingly rude to them. They believed that people who left Korea in the ’70s were easily stuck in the 70s mindset. I didn’t know what exactly…
Fun Facts Quiz of Squid Game (Part 2) Posted by Flying Oyster on Nov 4, 2021

As far as I remember, of the many Korean tv shows I had watched in the past, most were dramas. There are, however, many different types of television shows in the Korean market. A recent Korean TV show, 오징어 게임 (oh-jing-uh-game: Squid Game), is one of them. Set in a dystopian future, this series has…
Korean Colloquial Expressions (Part 2) Posted by Flying Oyster on Oct 7, 2021

I believe colloquial expressions in any language demand that you use your imagination. A long time ago I had a generous friend who taught me colloquial expressions in English. It was almost 20 years ago, and I still remember how fascinated I was by the brilliance of this particular phrase. “Does it ring a bell?”…