Archive for 'People'
Things that You Want to Know in Black Tiger Year Posted by Flying Oyster on Jan 10, 2022

A year of 다사다난 (dah-sah-dah-nan: eventful) conditions and situations, 2021 is behind us and the new year, 2022 has arrived. The number of 2022 personally brings me back to some of my memories of the sci-fi movies I may watch when I was younger. These movies typically start with a quote, such as ‘In 2022…
Old and New Culture in Modern Korean Society (Part 1) Posted by Flying Oyster on Nov 17, 2021

When I first moved to the States, I worked for a Korean company for a brief moment. A couple of young co-workers often complained about senior customers who were seemingly rude to them. They believed that people who left Korea in the ’70s were easily stuck in the 70s mindset. I didn’t know what exactly…
Foreign Residents in Korea Posted by Flying Oyster on Jun 29, 2021

In 2021, over 51 million people are living in South Korea. Over 2 million are 외국인 (wei-gook-in: foreigners). Among them, over 1 million live in the capital city, Seoul. When I was young, I grew up in a town where I didn’t see many foreigners. Although I know that there always have been…
Mental Health in South Korea Posted by Flying Oyster on Jun 16, 2021

Have you heard of a competition for doing nothing? Yes, it is a real event in South Korea. ( A Korean artist 주최하다 (joo-choi-hah-dah: host) 멍때리기 (mung-dde-ri-gi: space out) competition since 2014. The participants literally do nothing for 90 minutes. They are not allowed to talk, sleep, eat or use electric devices. The…