Korean Homophones Posted by Ginny on Aug 27, 2011 in Grammar
Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but have a different meaning. Here are some of the most common Korean homophones:
Horse (말) Ex: 말을 타기 싫다 = I don’t like to ride a horse
Word/speech/speak/talk/language (말) Ex: 약간 망설이다가 그는 말하기 시작했다 = After a slight hesitation he began to speak
Three (세) Ex: 그는 나보다 세 살 어리다 = He is younger than me by three years
Rent/lease (세) Ex: 이 방은 세가 한 달에 30만 원이다 = The room rents for 300,000 won a month
Car (차) Ex: 나는 차가 막혀서 지각했다 = I was held up in traffic and was late
Tea (차) 차 한 잔 드시겠습니까? = Would you like to have a cup of tea?
Sun (해) Ex: 해는 동쪽에서 떠서 서쪽으로 진다 = The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
Year (해) Ex: 그녀는 해마다 아름다워진다 = She has grown more beautiful over the years
Harm (해) Ex: 세균음 유익할 때도 있고 해가 될 때도 있다 = Microbes act sometimes in useful, sometimes in harmful ways.
Leg (다리) 뱀은 다리가 없습니다 = Snakes do not have legs
Bridge (다리) Ex: 빌이 다리를 건너고 있다 = Bill is crossing the bridge
Pear (배) Ex: 배가 완전히 썩어 버렸다 = The pear was completely rotten
Boat (배) Ex: 배를 타 본 적이 있습니까? = Have you ever taken a ride on a boat before?
Belly (배) Ex: 배도 참 크기도 해라! = What a big belly!
Glue (풀) Ex: 그의 무덤은 풀로 덮여 있었다 = His grave was covered with grass
Grass (풀) Ex: 캥거루 몇 마리가 풀를 먹고 있는 것을 보았다 = I saw some kangaroos eating grass
Steam (김) Ex: 자동차 유리창에 김이 서려 있었다 = The car windows had steamed up
Seaweed (김) Ex: 이 아이는 김을 매일 먹어요 = This child eats seaweed every day
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Two issues:
Glue (풀) Ex: 그의 무덤은 풀로 덮여 있었다 = His grave was covered with grass
Grass (풀) Ex: 캥거루 몇 마리가 풀를 먹고 있는 것을 보았다 = I saw some kangaroos eating grass
The Glue example is actually a grass example.
for the grass example, it should be 풀을, not 풀를.