Let’s Talk About Thanksgiving In Korean Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Nov 16, 2016 in Culture, Korean Language, Vocabulary
As you are aware, one of America’s biggest holidays, 추수감사절 (Thanksgiving) is around the corner. Even though your Korean friends might have heard of the word 추수감사절 (Thanksgiving), many of them are not quite familiar with this holiday tradition: when, what to eat, what to do, or why people celebrate this holiday. American Thanksgiving will be a great topic to engage your Korean friends in conversation and show off your Korean skills.
The following conversations will help you to demonstrate your Korean skills on Thanksgiving. I created two different versions for you to practice. The first section is for the beginning level, and the second section is for more advanced level. When you are ready to challenge yourself or want more fluency in Korean, move to the second section. Have fun!
* ** First Section, for the beginning level:
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Q: 추수감사절이 뭐예요?
A: 미국의 큰 명절이예요.
한국의 추석과 비슷해요.
Q: (What is Thanksgiving?)
A: (It is a big holiday in America.)
(It is similar to Chooseok in Korea.)
Q: 추수감사절은 언제예요?
A: 매년 11월 넷째 주 목요일이에요.
다음 주 목요일이에요.
Q: (When is Thanksgiving?)
A: (It is on the 4th Thursday of November every year.)
(It is next Thursday.)
Q: 추수감사절을 어떻게 보내요?
A: 가족이 모여서 특별한 음식을 먹어요.
Q: (What do you do on Thanksgiving day?)
A: (Family members get together and share special foods.)
Q: 추수감사절에 먹는 특별한 음식이 있나요?
Q: (Is there any special food that you eat on Thanksgiving day?)
A: 주로, 칠면조, 햄, 으깬 감자, 크렌베리 소스, 호박 파이를 먹어요.
A: (People typically eat turkey, ham, mashed potato, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.)
***Second section, for more advanced level:
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Q: 추수감사절이 뭐예요?
A: 미국의 큰 명절로 한국의 추석과 비슷해요.
칠면조가 단골메뉴라 “털키 데이 (Turkey Day)” 라고 불리기도 해요.
Q: (What is Thanksgiving?)
A: (It is a big holiday in America that is similar to Chooseok in Korea.)
(It is also called “Turkey Day” because turkey is the highlight of the Thanksgiving meal.)
Q: 추수감사절은 언제예요?
A: 매년 11월 넷째 주 목요일인데, 올해는 다음 주 목요일이에요.
Q: (When is Thanksgiving?)
A: (It is on the 4th Thursday of November every year, and it is next Thursday this year.)
Q: 추수감사절을 어떻게 보내요?
A: 가족이 모여서 시간을 보내요. 오전에는 메이시 백화점의 추수감사절 퍼레이드를시청하고,
특별한 음식을 저녁으로 먹은 후 풋볼 경기를 즐겨요.
Q: (What do you do on Thanksgiving day?)
A: (Family members spend time together; watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade
in the morning and enjoying watching football, after sharing special foods for dinner.)
Q: 추수감사절에 먹는 특별한 음식이 있나요?
A: 주로, 칠면조, 햄, 그레이비, 스터핑, 으깬 감자, 크렌베리 소스, 고구마, 호박 파이등을 먹어요.
Q: (Is there any special food that you eat on Thanksgiving day?)
A: (People typically eat turkey, ham, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce,
sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc.)
In both Korea and America, holidays like Thanksgiving are very important because family members and friends are reconnected no matter how busy they are, or how far they live from each other. I am planning a big Thanksgiving feast to share with family this year. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones as well.
감사합니다! (Thank you!)
*** Related Vocabulary ***
추수감사절 (Thanksgiving / Thanksgiving day)
미국 (America)
큰 명절 (big holiday)
~와 비슷하다. (be similar to~)
한국 (Korea)
추석 (Korean Thanksgiving)
언제 (when)
매년 (every year)
11월 (November)
넷째 주 목요일 (4th Thursday)
다음 주 (next week)
~ 을 어떻게 보내요? (What do you do on ~)
가족 (family)
모이다 (get together)
특별한 음식 (special foods)
먹다 (eat)
주로 (typically)
칠면조 (turkey)
햄 (ham)
으깬 감자 (mashed potato)
크렌베리 소스 (cranberry sauce)
호박 파이 (pumpkin pie)

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