Milk Song Posted by Ginny on Feb 27, 2011 in Korean Language
This is a cute Korean children’s song encouraging Korean kids to drink milk! By the end of the song, you’ll know how to say the word for milk in Korean, which is 우유.
앗싸 앗싸 Yeah Yeah
앗싸 앗싸Yeah Yeah
우유 좋아 좋아 ! I like, I like milk!
1) 이른 아침에 눈을 떠 (앗싸앗싸) 우유 한잔 생각 하세요 (우유 줘)
Early in the morning when you open your eyes (yeah, yeah) think of having a glass of milk (give me milk)
2) 우리 가족의 건강을 (앗싸앗싸) 우유 먹고 지켜내세요 (와)
For our family’s health (yeah yeah) protect it by drinking milk (wow)
우리 몸에 (우유) 딱 맞는 건 (우유) 항상 곁에 둬요 (아이 좋아)
For our body (milk) the thing that is just right (milk) always keep it by your side (ah, I like it!)
3) 하루 세잔 (우유) 시원하게 (우유) 어디서나 함께 해요 (매일 꾸준히)
Every day, three glasses (milk) refreshingly (milk) wherever, together (everyday consistently)
*Repeat lines 1 and 2.
콜라 홍차 커피 오~ 노 바나나 딸기 초코 흰 우유가 좋아
Cola, red tea, coffee, oh no, I like banana, strawberry, chocolate or white milk
회사에서 (우유) 학교에서 (우유) 항상 곁에 둬요 (아이 좋아)
At the office (milk) at school (milk) always keep it by your side (ah, I like it!)
*Repeat line 3
*Repeat lines 1 and 2.
*Repeat lines 1 and 2.
우유 좋아 좋아 I like, like milk

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